Chapter 80

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When i arrive at the apartment i change into a sweatshirt i got from school, our school colours are red and white. I hate colours so this sweater is a bit too much for me, I'm wearing some black shorts and my converse with it to make it a bit more my style. I put a little bun in the upper portion of my hair and i kinda like the way it looks. I eat an apple and then it's time to leave, I grab my little backpack and Daniel's car keys, I grab my earphones and i plug them in my phone, I turn on my playlist and i start walking to school.

When i finally arrive i am waaayy too early, it starts at 1.30pm and it's now 1pm, great job Elle. I grab my phone and i text Daniel, yeah i got his number. I ask where he is cause i have his car keys. He answers that he's in the dressing room but that he'll be out in a second so i just wait in the hallway. I hear some voices coming closer and i look over my shoulder, I see Samantha and two other girls walking up to me. They're wearing cheerleader outfits, it looks ridiculous. They also have pom poms in their hands and i really need to hold in my laugh. They stop right in front of me and Samantha slowly scans my outfit with a judgy look on her face, "Why are you here" she says while she gives me a bitchy look. "Non of your business" I say and i put my earphones back in my ears, I am not in a mood to talk to her at all. She pulls them out of my ears, "Omg you are so poor, you can't even afford airpods!" she says and she laughs. I just frown and i starts walking away, I am too tired to start a fight right now. Then i feel a hand on my shoulder and of course my reflex is to slap it off of me, and that's exactly what i do. "What the hell!" she yells and she pulls her hand back, "Don't touch me" I say, I turn around to walk away but one of her minions is blocking me. I sigh, "What do you want now? Didn't you get enough already?" I ask and i turn back around to her. She has an evil grin on her face, "Like i said before, I'm gonna make your life a living hell" she says, I smile, "And like i said before too, good luck". As soon as those words leave my mouth one of her minions throws a smoothie at my sweater, I gasp and i walk backwards. It's super cold and gross. "Oops your sweater is ruined" Samantha says and she starts walking away from me. I just stand there completely shocked, just on the day that i'm not wearing a t-shirt or anything underneath my sweater she ruins it. I hear a door opening and closing, I look up and i see Daniel walking up to me. "What happened to you?" he asks and he looks at my sweater, "Samantha happened, but here are your keys" I say and i hand him his keys. I want to walk away but he grabs my wrist, "You can't go out on the field with that sweater, the principal will go mad if he sees you" he says and i look confused. "Why?" I ask and he sighs, "He's super strict on supporting and stuff and you can't wear a dirty school shirt cause he thinks that that's disrespectful to the school" he says and i groan. "Great" I say and he laughs, "Well you can borrow a shirt from me?" he asks and he looks at me with a questioning face. "Yes please" I say and i sigh, I know i need to keep my distance, but i don't want to be expelled either. Daniel nods and he runs back to the dressing rooms. After a minute or so he's back with the sweater, it's the same as i'm wearing right now but it's a lot bigger. "Thanks" I say and i smile at him, "You're welcome, but i really need to go now, thanks for my keys!" he says while he slowly starts to walk backwards. I just nod and i walk to the bathrooms, I quickly change into the sweater and then i walk to the field. I search a seat on the bleachers far away from the field so i'm not in the attention or something. When i finally find a spot i sit down and i grab my phone to kill some time.

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