Chapter 13

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Of course I always have bad luck, I see that group of boys and girls. The blonde girl with the bitchy face and attitude is also there and the guy with the bleached hair is there too. I sigh and I quickly walk to the kitchen to let the cook know that there are some more customers. I walk back to the restaurant and I stand behind my coffee machine so they can't see me. They're just joking around and laughing with each other. I look around me to see if Carla is anywhere so she can maybe do that table, but I can't find her anywhere.

I take a deep breath and I walk up to them, "What can I get for you guys" I say while I grab my little notebook, "Omg you work here" the blonde bitchy girl says laughing, "How pathetic" she adds and I just roll my eyes. "Well?" I ask and i look at their faces. They order some coffees and some food, when I got their full order I walk away and I hear them laughing and talking about me: "Omg she's so pathetic!" "Who would want to work at a restaurant?!" "She's so ugly!", the girls just keep laughing and talking bout me when I hear a male voice say something, "yeah well she got a good ass tho" I roll my eyes. I finally reach my safe spot, the coffee machine and I start with making their coffees. I told the cook what they wanted to eat, when I'm done with their coffees I put it all on a tray. I take another deep breath and I walk up to their table, the closer I get the better I can hear their conversation. The guy with the bleached is just looking out of the window and isn't talking with the others. When I arrive at their table their conversation stops, I made a new drawing in their coffees it's a leave. This one was pretty hard and I've been practicing it all day! They don't even say thank you, except for the guy who said that I had a good ass. "Thank you sweetheart" he says, I just fake a smile and I walk away. When I arrive at the bar I look around in the restaurant. Besides them there's no one in the restaurant. I walk to the kitchen to see how far the cook is with their food. "I'm almost done Elle!" The cook says as soon as I enter the kitchen, "Okey!" I say and I smile. The cook is really nice! He's not that much older than me I think. At least he looks really young, his name is Jonah. When Jonah's done with the food I take it from him and I bring it to the group, that bitchy girl looks at me with a little smirk on her face and I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen. When I arrive at their table I put the food down, "Can I get you guys anything else?" I ask, not cause I want to but it's something I have to do. "yes" says the boy who said I had a good ass, "your number please" I roll my eyes and I turn around. When I'm about to walk away that blonde bitch sticks out her feet, it causes me to fall on the ground. It's not a nice fall I can tell you, I hit my head pretty hard onto the ground. Of course they all laugh really hard, I feel tears coming up in my eyes but I hold them in. I stand up, I pull my skirt down and I throw a nasty look at that blonde girl. She definitely got the wrong girl, you can't mess with me. Not anymore. 

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