Chapter 117

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2 weeks have passed, Corbs just came home today! He's finally back home! I'm so happy to have him here with me! Daniel and I are officially

together now, Corbs and Daniel have been talking a lot and i think that they're getting friends. Daniel his parents came home the day after Corbs woke up, his mom went crazy on Daniel cause she told him that it was for the best that i was ignoring him. He told her that he didn't care about what she said or what i did.

She couldn't understand why he would still like me and hang with me, to be honest, I don't get it either.

When Corbs woke up i immediately told him that i wanted to sell the house, I didn't know i wanted to till he woke up. I just realized that we're still holding on to it, but it only has bad memories. We could also earn some money if we sell it. So that's what we did, we didn't get that much, cause well the whole town knows what happened in that house, but it's still something.

I haven't been to school since Corbs woke up and i'm also not really

planning on going back, I think i'm going for online school so i can work more and i have more time to be with Corbs. Corbs is also gonna start

online school cause he doesn't want to go to the school where that bitch is. He told me that he heard everything i said but that he thought that it was for the best if he didn't wake up, he thought that he was a pain in the ass, he thought that i wouldn't be happy if he was still around since he needs a lot of help.

I told him that i don't think that he's a pain in the ass, I told him that i love him with my whole heart and that i would be devastated if he

didn't wake up. I also told him that he's my everything and that he's not allowed to think that ever again. He promised me that he believes me now.

Cause we sold the house we were able to pay most of the hospital bills! Daniel told me about his plan to move out and to buy a penthouse, he convinced me to go with him. He bought two penthouses which are connected together. Corbs and I payed along with the rest of the money we still had from the house.

I'm currently putting stuff in boxes, Daninel will be here any second to help me move all our boxes to the penthouse. "Knock knock!" Daniel says while he enters the apartment, he walks up to me, wraps his arms around my waist and we kiss. "So let's start!" he says after we both pulled back.

We start with picking up the boxes and putting them by the door, Corbs is also helping, he's a lot stronger now. When he woke up from his coma he immediately had to run several tests to see how the cancer is doing and he's clean! The cancer is almost completely gone!

So his hair started to grow again and it makes me really happy to see happy how Corbs is. It's not much at all but it's something! If you rub his head you feel the hard hairs against your hand. He's been forcing me to feel every single day.

When all the boxes are standing by the door we sit down at a chair, "Those boxes are filled wit hall of our memories" I say and Corbs nods, "It's kinda weird to see" he says and i nod in agreement.

"Are you guys ready?" Daniel asks and Corbs and i both nod. We get up from the chairs and we all walk to the door, we grab some boxes, I put mine on the ground in the hallway, I look inside one more time, "Goodbye apartment" I say and i close the door.

If you ever think that you're at the bottom, that life isn't gonna get better, just remember that i had that too. But my life got better!

Please never give up and keep pushing through! 

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