Chapter 70

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When school is over i'm waiting in front of Daniel's car, we just had math but he needed to talk with the teacher or something. I grab my phone out of my pocket and i open tiktok. When i'm bored i always go on tiktok, I just scroll through the 'for you page' when i hear some footsteps. I look up from my phone and i see Daniel walking up to me, he has his math books in his arms. "So you're secretly a huge nerd huh" I say and Daniel chuckles, "Maybe i am" he says and i smile. I've been feeling more and more comfortable around him. We get in his car and he drives away. We suddenly hear a loud bang and we both startle from the sound. I'm immediately triggered and i reach to my backpack, I haven't said this but i always carry a knife with me, just in case. "Are you fucking kidding me!" Daniel yells and he throws his hands up in the air, "What?" I ask and i look at him, "My tire is flat, I bet that Samantha did that" he says and he gets out the car, he slams the door behind him. I also get out and i follow Daniel to the back tires, they're both flat, Daniel looks really angry he searches the parking lot for Samantha and so do i. I spot her and i get up from the ground, I start walking up to her, I don't know what happened to me but i am going to stick up for Daniel right now. I grab her by her hair and i pull it, she screams and she tries to get loose, but i'm not planning on letting go anytime soon.

When i got out of the car i grabbed the knife and hid it in my shoe, it's not a big knife or anything. Samantha turns around and she looks me in the eye, "Why did you broke Daniel's tires?" I ask and he smirks, "Oh i see, you don't want to tell me?" I say and i grab the knife out of my shoe and i hold it up, she immediately wants to walk backwards but i'm still holding her hair. "Oh don't worry i'm not going to hurt you, well physically" I say and her eyes get big. "If you hate me, I'm completely fine with that but you're gonna stop with hurting others that hang with me. I can't help it that i'm more fun than you" I say. She looks at me like she's gonna explode, but i'm not done yet. The whole school gathered around us but i don't care about them, I hold up my knife again and i start with cutting in her hair. Yes i am cutting in her hair, "I thought that it was fair if i also cut off your hair" I say and i throw the dead and dry extensions on the ground in front of her feet. I turn around and i see Daniel looking at me with a stunned facial expression, "What?" I ask and he shakes his head and laughs. "I just never thought you were gonna stick up for me" he says, "Well me neither" I say and we both laugh harder. "I called bud, he's going to bring a different car and then fix this one" he says and i nod. We sit down at a bench and we wait for bud, must be nice to be rich as fuck.

When a silver porsche enters the parking lot i immediately know it's bud, Daniel and i get up from the bench and we walk up to the car. The parking lot is pretty empty right now, cause it's already 5pm. I'm kinda doubting if i should go to his house. I still have my own car here too... So how the hell am i going to school tomorrow? Or even going home?

I stop walking and i just stand there looking at my own car, "Uh Daniel" I say and he also stops walking, he turns around and looks at me, "Yeah?". "I'll follow you to your house with my own car" I say and he nods, "Sure!" he says and i smile. I would love to be in that porsche tho but I need my car tomorrow, plus i won't be depending on Daniel. I get in my own car and i follow Daniel to his house. I'm stunned again by the size of it. The house is big but the property around it is huge, we have to drive through a sort of forrest thing before we arrive at his house. I park my car and i get out, I look at the time on my phone and i see it's already 5.30pm. I put my phone in my backpack and i walk up to Daniel, he's waiting for me by his door. "So my sister and my mom are home right now" he says and i just nod. I grab a piece of my hair to play with it and i am still not used to the short length. It felt good to cut off Samantha her hair, I would do it again for sure.

Daniel opens the door with a finger scan and an eye scan, how did i not notice this the last time i was here? He opens the door and we enter his house, "Mom i'm homeee" he yells.

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