Chapter 113

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Daniel and i sit like that for a few hours till the nurses tell us that we need to leave, we slowly get up from the ground, i walk to Corbs his bed and i grab his hand. "Please fight a bit harder for me" I say and i give him a kiss on his forehead. I let go of his hand and i walk to Daniel, I grab his hand and we start walking to the exit of the hospital. We get into his car and he starts driving to my place, but then he suddenly pulls up to a drive thru, I look around me and i see that we're at Taco Bell. "Why are we here?" I ask and i look at Daniel with puffy and red eyes from crying, "You need to eat" he simply says and he orders the food. When we get to the window where they give us the food, Daniel looks at me, "I hope you're hungry cause i ordered a lot" he says and i give him a weak smile. The window opens and they start handing us some bags, when i think that we got everything they give us 2 more bags and a tray with drinks. "Oh my god, what did you order?!" I ask and Daniel laughs, "I was just hungry while ordering okey? Everything sounded so good!" he says and i laugh. Daniel grabs my hand, "It's gonna be okey, you just need to believe in it" he says and i nod, "I'll try" I say "good" he replies and he drives to my apartment.

When we arrive there we take all the food with us and we put it on the small table I own. "So why don't we watch a movie and eat all this food?" Daniel says and i nod, "I'll grab my laptop" I say and i walk to my room, I grab my laptop and i walk back to the living room. I push some food aside so my laptop fits on the table. Daniel is in the kitchen grabbing some forks and plates. I walk to Corbs his room and i lean against the door, his room looks so weird, he hasn't been in here for months. It feels empty. "Elle?" Daniel says and i snap back into reality, I walk back to the living room and i sit down.

When we've eaten most of the food I am so incredibly full that i can't eat more. Daniel and i are watching a star wars movie but i'm not really paying attention. Everything what the doctor said just keeps replaying in my head, I just can't stop thinking about it. Corbs only has one more week left, he needs to wake up. He just has to.

"Elle?" I hear Daniel say and i look up to him, "I'm gonna go home now, text me if you need anything okey? I'll be here tomorrow morning" he says and i just nod. Daniel gets up from the couch and he grabs his coat, he walks to the door, I quickly get up from the couch and i walk up to him, I pull him into a hug and i hold him tight. "Thanks" I say and Daniel wraps his arms around me, "I'd do anything for you Elle" he says and we slowly let go, "See you tomorrow morning" he says and i just nod. He exits the apartments and i walk to my room, I'm feeling exhausted but that's weird, I haven't done anything today. I let myself fall onto my bed and I close my eyes, as soon as they're closed i'm gone. 

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