Chapter 18

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Me and Corbs look at each other, "Who is that" Corbs mouths to me. I shrug my shoulders and I slowly open the door. "Hello?" I say while I open it. I see a man standing in front of our door, I've never seen him before. "Hello is this the house from misses Besson?" he asks, "Uh yeah it is?" I say confused, I frown and I look up to the man. "There's a car waiting for you miss" he says and my jaw just drops to the ground. A car? Waiting for me? "uh I think you got the wrong miss Besson" I say and the man laughs. "Well I think I got the right one, you fit his descriptions perfectly!" he says and I am even more confused now. "Are you ready to go?" he asks and I just look at him, "where to? I need to work" I say and I cross my arms. You can't see Corbs from the door, he's just behind the corner, I can see him and he mouths that I just need to go. "Well that's exactly where I am bringing you miss" he says laughing. "Oh. Okey then" I say and I close the door behind me. This is weird, this is really weird. We walk down the stairs and that man opens the door for me which leads to the parking lot. I see a huge black limousine standing there and my eyes get so big, I am just startled and confused. What the hell is happening here? Am I dreaming? Is this a joke? "Here you go miss" he says while he opens the car door for me and I sit down in the car, I immediately catch the sight of bleached blonde hair. I shake my head. Wow. Why the hell is he doing this? The man closes the door behind me and he gets in in the front. A little window at the front of the car opens, I can see the hair of the man now. "We're leaving now sir Seavey" he says and the window closes again. I look at Daniel and he's sitting there in some ripped jeans and worn out t-shirt. That man was in a freakin suit. "What am I doing here sir Seavey" I say and I see that he doesn't like it that I call him that. "Well to repay you for the car" he says and he scoots over to me. I cross my arms and I just look at the lights in the car. "Why?" I ask and I look into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Well I felt bad for you" oh gosh, I roll my eyes" Listen Seavey" I say with a demanding tone, "You know nothing about me so you're not gonna feel bad for me, understood?" I say and I didn't mean it as a question. He puts his arms in the air "I won't" he says and a smile appears on his face. "Oh by the way, I think you gave me the wrong amount" I say while I grab the tip out of my back pack and hand it to him. Our fingers touch when we exchange the money and I feel a weird feeling going through my body. I just ignore it and I lean back into my chair. I look into his eyes and he counts the money, "Oh yeah I did indeed" he says while he grabs his wallet out his pocket. I needed the money but I don't want to take something which isn't mine. I watch out of the window, I suddenly feel a light tap against my shoulder which makes me startle. I hate it when people touch me unwarned, it just brings back some bad memories. "Here you go" he says when he hands me the money back, I look confused cause it's a bigger pile now. "uhh" I say while I count it. "What the hell?! Why do you give me so much money?" I ask and I hand it back to him. "So you can pay the garage for your car" he says and i just look at him. "It's not cause you feel bad right" I say and I frown. "No no It's not" he says and I break the eye contact and I put the money in my bag. I'm not complaining bout it but it is weird. The rest of the ride is silent and kinda awkward, when we finally arrive at the restaurant I want to open the door but Daniel stops me. "Bud will open the door for you" he says. "Oh okey" I say and i sit and wait till my door opens. "Thanks for the ride i guess" I say and Daniel smiles. "anytime" he says and i roll my eyes.

"Look Seavey, you might think I'm stupid or something but I'm not gonna fall for that trap" I say and then Bud opens the door for me. I get out, grab my little bag, I look over my shoulder at his shocked face and then I walk away. 

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