Chapter 11

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When I arrive back at our little apartment I walk straight to my room, Corbs is sitting on the bed with his laptop on his lap. "Hey Corbs" I say while I enter the room, I sit down on the bed. "Hi Ellie" he says, that's a nickname he has for me. Like i have a nickname for him, I always call him Corbs, I can't even remember when i called him Corbyn.

"How you feeling?" I ask while i sit down at the bed. "I have this anoying pain in my stomach" he says and i frown, "I guess that that's the cancer...." I say and Corbs nods. "How was work?" he asks and a smile appears on my face, "I got a raise!!" I say and i do a little dance. "hahaha nicee" Corbs says and we laugh. When i am really happy i always do a little dance. Me and Corbs talk a bit bout my work and bout school. I told him that i have the feeling that the people at my new school are rich. Cause well, that boy had the newest Iphone plus the kids in there looked fancy. The whole school looked fancy.

Time flies by and it's suddenly 2pm, "I'm gonna make some lunch, what do you want?" I ask Corbs while i get up from the bed. "Uhh whatever you're having" Corbs says and i nod, "Okey!" I say and i walk to our small kitchen. I feel that i'm getting tired, I completely forgot my coffee this morning so i'm having it now. I turn on our coffee machine, I love making coffee and i'm happy that that's part of the job. When my coffee is done i take a sip and i smile, I love coffee. It always leaves this warm and nice taste in my mouth. I grab some bread and i put it in the toaster. I'm gonna make some eggs, cause i know that Corbs loves that! I crack the eggs open in the pan and i just start stirring them.

When i'm done with baking the eggs, I put it all on a plate and i walk to my bedroom. My bedroom is the place where we live, I sit down at the bed and i hand one plate to Corbs. "Let's eat at the table" Corbs says while he swings his legs out of bed, "You sure?" I ask and Corbs. "I haven't had my chemo yet so i'm still kinda strong." Corbs says and i nod, "Okey then" I put my plate on my night stand and i grab his plate of out his hands and put it also on the night stand. I grab Corbs by his armpits and i pull him up, he stands but his legs are a bit shaky. He grabs me by my shoulders and he leans on me, he is heavy but i'm not gonna let go. "you okey?" I ask and Corbs nod, "Yeah yeah just a bit shaky". I help him to our table and when he sits down i walk back to my room to grab our plates. "You want some coffee?" I ask while I put the plates on the table. "Uh yes actually" Corbs says and I smile. We both like coffee but I'm the addict here. I walk to the open kitchen and I make another coffee, I put some more attention and time into this one cause I want it to be good! When I'm done with that I hand him the coffee and I sit down. "Thanks Ellie!" he says and I just smile as response. We both start eating and drinking our coffee, we don't talk but like I said before, we don't need to talk. I know what Corbs thinks and he knows what I think.

When we're done with eating I help Corbs back to his room, I can see that he's really sleepy. I pull the blankets over him and I kiss him on his forehead. "I'm gonna be home late, don't wait for me" I say and Corbs just nods. He turns over to his side and I can hear that he starts drifting away. I close the door behind me and I clean up the mess I made. When I'm done with that I look at the time, it's now 3pm, I don't have to go yet, I still have 30 minutes left. I smell my clothes; hmm I could use a shower. I walk to our small bathroom and I turn on the shower, I wash my hair and my body. When I'm done with that I put on my work clothes. I look in the mirror and I laugh. I look ridiculous right now, I have wet strings of hair hanging over my shoulders. Plus my cheeks are red cause of the hot shower I just took. I put on some concealer to hide my breakouts, they're getting worse every day.

When I'm done with that I blow dry my hair, I'm hoping that I'm not waking Corbs right now. When I'm done with all that I walk back to our living room, I grab my little backpack and I walk to the front door. I close it behind me and I walk to our old and rusty car. I get in and I start the car, I look behind me to see if there's any traffic and I drive away. 

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