Chapter 74

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I've been spending the whole day avoiding Daniel, I'm way to scared that his mom will tell him the truth about me. Cause if she tells him, he will think i am an absolute maniac. When it's lunch break i sit down at a table and Daniel sits down across me. "Are you avoiding me? Or am i imagining things?" he asks and i really have no idea how i should answer. "Oh what no, I was just busy i guess" I quickly say and i start eating my food while only looking down. Daniel eats his food in silence across me, I feel bad for him. He probably has no idea why i am acting so cold towards him. When i'm done with my food i get up from my chair, "I see you in class" I say and i quickly walk away. When i reach my locker i put exchange some books, I hear the sound of heels on the floor coming closer. I sigh and i close my locker and i see Samantha approaching me, she has new extensions in cause her hair is the same length as it used to be. "I see you got some new extensions" I say and i grab my backpack from the ground. "You need to pay me back for those" she says while she pushes me against my locker with my back. "Let me think about that" I say and i act like i think, "No" I say and i push her off me. "You are making it even worse for yourself!" she yells and i just laugh. "See you in PE" I say and i walk away. I enter the classroom and i sit down by the window, it's math and i am really bad at that. I am going to pay attention for real now cause i can't feel this subject. After a minute or five the class slowly starts to fill, of course Daniel sits down in front of me. When the teacher comes in the room he writes down some exercises we have to make before monday. I open my book and i start with the exercises, it's not going that good.. After a minute or 5 Daniel turns around, "This is so boring" he says and he searches for my eye contact. I bite on my lip, I hate to do this, I really do, "Don't you see that i'm trying to work" I say and i can see the hurt in his eyes. He turns back around, I feel so so bad for him right now, he doesn't deserve this. He's been nothing but nice to me and here i am, ditching him and being rude.

Daniel's pov

I am honestly hurt by what Elle said, i am sure that she is ditching me. But why? I thought i made it up to her? She accepted my apology right? I just look at my math book, I already finished the exercises, they were super easy. I don't get why Elle is taking so long on making them. Maybe i should offer her some help? I turn back around to see her struggling with the exercises. Her hair is in front of her face, it's super curly and it looks super cute on her! I tap on her notebook and she looks up with an annoyed face. "Do you need some help?" I ask and she bites her lip, it looks like she's thinking about it so i have hope. "I do not need your help Seavey" she says and she gets up from her table, grabs her stuff and moves to the other side of the room. That really hurted, I am falling for this girl and she's being so rude to me? Like what the fuck did i do?! It must've been something really big. Why would she act like this otherwise? I take a deep breath and i go back to my book.

When math is finally over we have English, i hate that subject. It's super easy plus the teacher is super boring. The last lesson i had some fun with Elle but now she's ignoring me. I really do not get why, am I doing something wrong? I am being nice right? Am i too pushy? Am I giving her too much attention? And why did she go to the hospital the other day. I asked by the reception if they could tell me where she went, but they didn't tell me anything. I get up from my seat and i start walking to English. Elle is walking in front of me, she is so small, it's the cutest thing ever! When we arrive at the class she sits down by the window and i sit down in front of her, I'm not gonna give up. I put my notebook on my table and i turn around, the teacher isn't here yet so she can't tell me that she's trying to pay attention or anything. "Why are you acting so weird?" I ask, she looks up from her books with an annoyed facial expression, "I'm not acting weird" she says and she grabs her phone out of her backpocket. That's something I love about her, she has her own style and it looks super good! I love her in those shorts and tanktops, she has a beautiful figure and it suits her really good. And black is really her colour, she always wears black and some days she wears grey, but that doesn't happen that often. And her black converse! Almost every girl on this school wears those uglly high heels or ballerina shoes, but she wears converse and it looks so good! She's so cool, she's just herself and doesn't care about what others think, that's something i'm trying out too. I've been drinking apple juice out in the open and I'm being more honest towards my boys. Then the teacher enters the room, I open my books and i grab my pen. I'm not planning on paying attention or anything but i can continue to write my song. Yes i write songs, i know it's cheesy and people also think it's gay. But well, I like it. I love to play instruments, expecially the piano and the cello. I've been practicing a lot lately and i'm getting better and bettter.

When class is over it's time to go home, I quickly throw my stuff in my bag and then I speed up so i walk next to Elle. She hasn't made many friends here yet. "So do you want to finish the essay for the project at mine today?" I ask while she throws some stuff in her locker. "We can finish that part seperate, we have it on google drive so we don't need to be together for that" she says and she closes her locker. I frown, "Well yeah but it's way more fun together" I say, "We'll do it seperate,

I can't meet up today plus this weekend i need to work and i need to go to your play" she says when she picks up her backpack and starts walking away. I follow her to her car, "Okey well we still need to make the vulcano" I say, "We can do that on monday" she says and i nd. "Sure, see you tonight at the party" I say and she just nods. She starts her car and drives away, she's acting really weird right now. 

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