Chapter 96

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When i wake up cause of my alarm the next morning i feel rested! I didn't have my nightmare and i think i slept around 9 hours! I get out of bed and i put an outfit together for today, my hair is a bit greasy from work yesterday so i quickly jump in the shower to wash my hair, when i'm done with that i put on some black ripped jeans and a grey sweater. I let my hair dry to the air while i put some concealer on, I walk to the kitchen and i make myself a nice, strong and hot coffee. I put a piece of bread in the toaster and i grab the peanut butter, I've been eating this for 4 weeks now i think, it's a cheap solution for cereals.

When i finished my bread i walk to the bathroom and i put the upper half of my hair in a little bun, we have PE again today so my hair needs to be out of my face. I changed all my classes but i couldn't change PE, I'm not in any class with Daniel anymore, we only have PE together now. When i needed to ignore him i thought that it would be better if i switched classes so he would get the hint, but no that guy just kept trying and trying, I smile when i think back to that. It was really cute, even though i kept rejecting him he didn't give up. Did he think i was such a good friend? But i always hear that i'm a horrible friend...

I just shrug my shoulders and the thought slowly goes away, I throw my math books in my backpack plus some other notebooks. I grab my phone and my earphones, I've been walking to school everyday now cause gas is expensive as fuck, so walking is cheaper. I turn on my fav playlist filled with songs from NF and i start walking down the stairs.

When i'm there i walk to my locker to put some books away, I'm gonna be super boring in the lunch break cause i think i'm gonna study for math then. But first I have history and then i have PE.... Not looking forward to that. I slowly walk to my history class when Samantha suddenly shows up in front of me, i look around me and it looks like the whole school gathered around us. "Look who we have here" Samantha says with her annoying voice, I just roll my eyes and i continue my walk to history, "I'll get you at PE" Samantha says and i ignore her. When i'm almost by history someone sticks her leg between my legs which causes me to fall onto the ground, luckily for my i break my fall with my arms so i don't get hurt. I hear people laughing around me which triggers my anger, I slowly push myself up, I blow some pieces of hair out of my face and i look at Samantha, I walk up to her and i push her against the lockers, I hold her by her shoulders so she can't go away or anything. "Could you just stop with harassing me?" I ask and i let her go. I straighten my shoulders, grab my backpack and i enter the classroom. I sit down at my fav spot by the window, I don't even bother to grab my books cause i know i won't even open them. I just play around with my pen during the class, when it's over i grab my backpack and i start with my walk to hell. I'm really not looking forward to PE, I just know that Samantha will mess with me again, since i'm not really stable emotionally now i just know that i'll break or snap. I take a deep breath before i enter the dressing room. I walk to the back and i grab a uniform, I quickly change and i lock my backpack in a locker. I grab my water bottle and i start to walk to the field, Samantha is still busy with fixing her hair and make up, so i am still sort of safe. I sit down at the bench and Daniel walks up to me, he sits down next to me, "I heard that Samantha harassed you again today" he says and i just keep looking at the field, "She was gonna make my life a living hell wasn't she" i say and i look up at him. "Yep... Like i said before, she doesn't have any limits, she already cut off your hair!" he says while he's slowly getting angry, "Plus she keeps pushing you around!" he says while raising his voice. "It'll eventually stop, plus i can live with it, i've survived worse" I say and i immediately touch the little scars on my stomach, Daniel just nods. I know that he knows what i'm talking about, "You do get that you can't tell anyone" I say and he nods "I won't tell anyone, I promise" he says and he grabs my hand and shakes it. I little smile appears on my face, he is always so cute! Then the coach enters the field, "You guys know the drill, run 2 rounds around the field" he says and he blows his whistle. I sigh and i get up from the bench, I slowly start to jog, I'm not going to make myself sweat for this stupid class, plus something tells me that i need to save my strengths. 

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