Chapter 108

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I wake up cause someone is saying my name, I open my eyes and i look around me, I see Daniel standing there. I sit up straight and i frown, "If you still wanna nail that math exam you should get ready now" Daniel says and i nod, "Oh yeah shit, what time is it?" I ask and he grabs his phone to look at the time, "It's now 6.45am we leave at 7.30am" he says, "Okey thanks!" I say he smiles at me and then he leaves my room. I get out of the bed and i walk to my backpack, I look through some clothes and i decide to go with some black ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. I walk to the bathroom which is connected with my room and i am stunned. It's a huge ass bathroom with a bath, a shower and two sinks?! I have a beautiful view at the garden from my window. I turn on the shower and i wash my hair. When i'm done i wrap myself in one of those huge, soft and warm towels. I'm honestly loving this house, it has everything i need! I put on my clothes and i rub the towel over my hair a few times to dry it. When it's sort of dry i wash my face and i brush my teeth. Then i walk to my room, I'm still walking with a limp cause my knee is still hurting, it's getting better everyday but it still hurts. I put on my converse and i exit my room, I walk down the stairs and i see Daniel standing in the kitchen. I walk up to him and i help him grab some bowls. I put them on the table and Daniel walks up with the milk and cereals. "Did you sleep well?" Daniel asks and i know he's talking about the nightmares i used to have, "Yeah i slept really good! The mattress is so soft and bouncy, I love it!" I say and Daniel smiles. "Are you ready for the exam?" he asks, "I hope so, yesterday everything went good, but we'll see" I say and he nods.

We eat the breakfast and we talk about walking dead, the serie i've been kinda addicted to. "Do you need to work anytime soon?" Daniel asks and i shake my head no, "We're closed this whole week, I'm working again next week".

When breakfast is over I look at the time, it's now 7.40 so i guess that we're gonna leave soon. "So i'm gonna grab my bag real quick and then we're ready to leave!" Daniel says and i just nod. He runs up the stairs, I look around me. I still can't get used to the huge house, I've been here for 3 days now and it's still weird. I've never lived in a house this big. It does feel lonely tho, I feel kinda bad for Daniel. I thought that he had an amazing life, but i guess his life isn't that great. His parents went on a vacation without telling him, they took his brother and sister but they didn't take Daniel with them. Money doesn't make everything better, me and Corbs were poor and we didn't have moneu to go out or something. But at least we had each other.

Please Corbs wake up, I really can't live without you.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when Daniel waves his hand in front of my face, "Sorry what?" I ask and i'm kinda confused, Daniel laughs, "I asked if you were ready to go" he says and I smile, "Yeah yeah i'm ready, I was just kinda lost in my thoughts" I say and he smiles back at me. We walk to his car and get in. "You can pick out some songs again if you want" Daniel says while he starts the car, I connect my phone to the car and i put on my favorite playlist with NF songs. 

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