Chapter 114

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When my alarm goes off the next morning i really don't want to get up, I turn off my phone and i turn around, I look at the ceiling, I'm not planning on going anywhere today. I don't have to work, luckily cause i don't think i can fake more smiles. I've been faking all my smiles there for the past 3 weeks. I haven't been working as much as i used to do cause of Corbs, I want to be there when he wakes up, I want to be the first one he sees and the first one he hugs.

Suddenly i hear the bell ring and i snap out of my thoughts, oh shoot! I totally forgot to text Daniel, I slowly get up from my bed and i walk to the door, I open it and there's Daniel. "You okey?" he asks and he enters the apartment. "I'm fine, my twin brother is dying but hey i'm fine" I say sarcastic and i walk back to my room. Daniel follows me, "We're not going to school, put some fresh clothes on, I'm waiting in the living room" he says and he exits the room, huh what does he mean? I walk to my closet and i grab some black jeans, I put them on and I grab one of Corbs his hoodies. I put it on and i walk to the living room, Daniel is sitting there, "Ready?" he asks and i frown, "Where are we going?" I ask and he smiles, "You'll find out soon" he says and he walks to the door, I grab my phone and i follow him, where the hell are we going? We get into his car and he drives away, I look out of the window wondering where we're going. I suddenly recognize it, we're driving to the beach! "Why are we going to the beach?" I ask and Daniel sighs, "I should've blindfolded you" he says and we both laugh, "But why?" I ask, "Someone told me that you love the beach" he says and he pulls up to the parking lot, "Who?" I ask and he smiles. "I'll tell you in a minute" he says and we both get out of the car. We enter the beach and i see a huge blanket laying there with a basket. "What's this?" I ask and I stop walking, please don't let this be a date, I'm really not ready for that. "Don't worry it's not what you think, just sit down and listen to me okey?" he says and I sit down. Daniel sits down across me and he looks at me, "Do you remember that day in the restaurant when i hid Tommy for my friends?" he asks and i nod, "Do you also remember that Jonah went up to me and he told me something" he says and i nod again, "Well he told me that you need your space, but if i ever wanted a favor i should text him, we exchanged numbers and i left the restaurant" he says and i frown, "So yesterday i texted him, I told him about Corbs and he said that I needed to bring you to the beach and that he would take care of the rest" he adds and i look around me. I suddenly see Jack and Jonah walking up to us, "What are they doing here?" I ask and Daniel smiles, "They're here to cheer you up, I asked Jonah if he could help me" Daniel says and i smile. Jack and Jonah arrive at the blanket, I get up and i hug them both, we all sit down and I'm smiling. I'm really happy that they're here, "Esther is coming within an hour, she has an exam right now but after that she'll come too" Jonah says.

We start talking and laughing, they all tell me that i should keep hope cause Corbs is gonna make it. I'm still not sure about it but i'm trying to keep having hope. After an hour Esther arrives and she hugs me tightly, "How are you?" she asks and i shrug my shoulders, "Been better" I answer and she nods.

The rest of the day is filled with laughing and eating food, when it's 4pm we all go different ways. Daniel and i are going to the hospital, Jonah and Esther are going home, Jack is also going home. Daniel and i get in the car, "Thanks for today" I say and Daniel smiles, "Well you should thank Jonah, he arranged all this" he says and i shake my head. "You are taking my mind of Corbs, so thanks for that" I say and i lean in to him, Daniel also leans closer and his hand goes to my face, he puts a straw of hair behind my ear. We lean even closer and our lips connect.

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