Chapter 49

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I said yes to a party, but i am pretty sure i'm not gonna go. I don't even know where the hell that party is plus if i have to work i can't. The rest of artclass i just kinda doodle in my notebook, I'm not good at drawing or anything but it's a good distraction. Layla, Daniel and that other guy are just talking with each other while i distant myself. I just don't really feel like talking or something, I also have this bad feeling. I don't know if it has to do something with Corbs or with Samantha. I'll find that out soon i guess.

When art class is over i put my notebook in my backpack and I get up from my chair. Daniel is still talking with that guy and Layla, I think they kinda forget about me so i just walk away. We have introduction now so i just follow all the kids to the basketball court. Cause it's still super hot outside we have the introduction outside. I sit down at the bleachers and i look at the court. I see the principal and some cheerleaders, when i look closer i see Samantha. She's the head of the cheerleaders, of course she is. I sigh, well the good thing is she hasn't seen me yet so i am safe!

After like 10 minutes all the bleachers are filled and the music starts, the cheerleaders do a dance and everyone cheers, I just roll my eyes. I really don't give a shit about them plus their dances don't look that hard. When they're done they all walk aside while shaking with their asses and again i roll my eyes. The principal enters the court and he starts a speech about how much he loves our schoolteams and that he wants that everyone participates in them, if you're not in one you support one. Like yeah right i'm gonna be in a school team, I'm not gonna be a stupid and brainless cheerleader. And i'm not good at sports so that's not gonna happen either. The principal said that there's a list with the teams going around right now, maybe there's something else which i can support. When he's finally done talking the cheerleaders come back on the court and they do another dance, everyone starts cheering, whistling and clapping for them. I roll my eyes again, a guy next to me is playing fortnite on his phone and not paying attention either. I smile, see i'm not the only one who thinks that this is all bullshit. When they're finally done with their stupid dance everyone cheers for them, they all bow and then Samantha takes the microphone. Oh god what does she wants to say, "Everyone go sign up to the cheerteam!!!" she yells with he high voice. People cheer but me and the guy next to me just shake our heads, "That girl is so annoying" he says, "Yup" I agree. He looks up from his phone and he watches the courts, "This school is trying way too hard" he says and i just nod. "I haven't seen you here before, are you new?" the guy asks and he scans me and my outfit. "Something tells me you don't give a shit bout the rich culture we have here and i like it" he adds. He puts his phone in his pocket and sticks out his hand, "Zach" he says while he shakes mine, "Elle" I say and he smiles. "Nice name" he says and i just smile back at him. Then the introduction is over and we both walk different ways. 

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