Chapter 32

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"You okey?" he ask, I just nod. No i am not okey, I just keep thinking bout mom and how i should've been the one. Or i should've at least do something, but no i was hiding in a room being selfish. "You sure?" he asks, I am absolutely not telling him the truth, he will think i am a weirdo. "Yeah yeah i am fine!" I say and i fake a smile, "Just wanted to have some time for myself" I say, Jonah smiles "yeah i want that too sometimes" he walks closer to me. Now he's standing next to me, damn that guy is tall. I just keep looking at the sea, "So what does your brother have? If you want to tell me!" he says, I look up to him. He's watching the waves, "Well he has leukemia" I say and i feel tears coming up, hold them in Elle. "Svea has that too... " he says, i feel bad for him. "Where?" I ask while I look back at him, he's also looking at me. We make eye contact, it's pretty dark so you can't see that i am kinda blushing. I don't know why, but i know that my cheeks are red. "Just her kidney luckily, but she probably needs to be operated and get a new kidney" he says. "Oh, I hope that the chemo will solve it" I say and i mean it, we're still looking into each other's eyes. I have plain blue eyes like Corbs but he has these beautiful green eyes, I can't see them that good in this bad lighting. "yeah me too" he says and he breaks the eye contact, "Where is the cancer by Corbyn?" he asks and i look at the waves, "His liver, but if the chemo doesn't solve it he can be operated" I say, "Ah that's good" he says, I just nod.

We just stand there in silence, just listening to the sound of the waves. I snap out of my thoughts when i hear Corbs calling my name, I turn around and i start to walk back, Jonah also snaps back into reality and he starts walking back too. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" he asks when we're almost by the others, "Yup i need to be there at 8 till 6" I say, "yeah me too" he says. I smile, I am happy that i work with him, he's super nice! "Jonahh we need to go!" Esther says while she walks up to us, "It was super nice meeting you Elle! We should totally meet soon!" she says while she pulls me into a hug. I am honestly kinda surprised that she liked me, plus that she wants to hang out with me!

"Yeah yeah we should!" I say and i smile, it's a real one this time. I grab my little backpack i left at the towel, "Let's go Corbs" I say while i wrap his arm around my shoulder, "See you tomorrow at work Jonah!" I say, he just smiles at me when Corbs and i start walking away to the car.

Jonah's pov

When Elle and Corbyn can't hear us anymore Esther immediately starts talking bout how beautiful Elle is. She is right tho, "Omg did you see her eyes?! Omg and her hair!! I want to have that length!!" Esther says. Everyone laughs, "Well why don't you ask her how she got it so long?" mom asks Esther, "I should!" Esther says while we start walking towards our car. I have this feeling that there's more to Corbyn and Elle then they're telling, I've never seen her parents. Or even family, but we just met so maybe i'm being paranoid. Plus i saw that fake smile she gave me when she was standing in the water. I get in the back of the car and i just look outside, maybe i should ask Elle about it tomorrow. "Jonah?" Esther asks me while she taps my shoulder, "Yeah?" I say while i look away from the window. "Elle has to work tomorrow right?" Esther asks, "Yea why?" I reply. "Well maybe i can ask her bout her long hair tomorrow! I'll just go get a coffee there!" she says with a huge smile. "Yeah you should! Elle is really good at making coffees! plus she makes little drawings on them too!" I say, Esther just smiles and she grabs her phone. She opens the app tiktok, literally everyone is on it these days, I wonder if Elle is on there too. I grab my phone and i download the app, I make an account for myself and i just get lost on the 'for you page'.

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