Chapter 7

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I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair.

"I want to be a hero..."

"Great then I can get this set up." He cut me off and began to type away at the computer.

"But my dad wont let me." I finished my answer and he stopped typing.

"Who's your dad?" He asked with an odd tone.

"Eugene Frost." I warily answered.

He typed something in and a new file opened up.

"The file says hes not allowed in the room when you make your decision." The man smirked. "He was very insistent about you not keeping your powers."

"Do you know him?"

"Yes." He laughed a bit. "We actually trained together. That was before the rules about not telling people who you are outside the uniform."

"Why is that?"

"Well after a few heroes turn into villains our families and friends became targets." He looked at me like he was answering a stupid question. "I have an idea as to why he doesn't want you having your powers, but that's not his  choice." I could tell by the way he was talking he wasnr going to tell me anything else about my father.

"A woman said I had to talk to her about of I choose to keep my powers." I tried to recall who the woman was.

"Ok I know who you're talking about. I'll type it into the system  real quick and..." he quickly typed on his keyboard before removing the wires from the bracelet. "Let's go talk to the director."

I stood up and he suddenly held a medical mask out that almost hit me in the face.

"Wear this."

I carefully began to put it on and he began to leave the room before I was even finished putting it on.

I quickly rushed after him and saw he began to walk down the hall.

It seemed to be even quieter than the first time walking through them with Claire. It actually made it unnerving only hearing the sound of shoes against the tile from the man quickly walking infront of me.

I was so focused on trying to keep up with him and not getting lost that I didnt notice that there was someone leaving a room.

I ran directly into the unexpecting person and I stumbled back a few steps and felt panic start to form in the pit of my stomach.

I cautiously looked up to see who I bumped into and met the storm grey eyes of a blue haired woman. She had a stone cold expression on her face as she just stared at me.

"I...I'm sorry." I began to fumble over my words as my face began to grow warm. "I...I was trying..." He was barely in sight. "He..."

The woman's face softened as a small smile formed at her lips.

"It's fine." She said before she started to walk away the opposite direction.

I stared confusingly as I felt the need to apologize more, but saw Doctor Zander wasnt slowing down any. I decided against apologizing any further since she was already walking away and began to run after the doctor.

"You need to work on paying attention to your surroundings." He said once I caught up to him. "As well as other things." He stated gesturing down at my hands.

I looked at my hands and saw the sleeves of my flannel were a bit singed and one still had smoke coming from it.

I paniced and attempted to extinguish the smoke with my hands.

"Stop fidgeting and come on." He ordered before knocking on a door and opening it. "Miss Director, Elizabeth Frost is here to talk to you." He stated as he closed the door behind me.

"Thank you. I have some free time for her." She walked over to us and held her hand out to me. "We never got to properly meet yesterday. I'm Emory Quale, but most people just call me Director."

I cautiously shook her hand and quickly took note of how cold it was.

"Before your father so rudely interrupted me yesterday. I was trying to explain to you I run this school's super hero training program with the guidance of the governments regulations and funding to the school."  She guided me to sit in an ugly brick red chair while she sat in the other across a black coffee table. "Since you're here I'm assuming you accepted the offer to keep your powers."

"I want to, but my dad..."

"Your an adult know like I said before it's not his choice." She seemed to be studying me again. "If he is the only concern you have about this we can come up with something to make him think you denied."

"You want me to lie to him..." I'm sure my voice was riddled with disbelief.

"Do you really want someone else dictating you life?" I shook my head to her question. "How about this we have something that will make it so he thinks you dont have your abilities or memories anymore and you can tell him when you're ready?"

It was dead silent in the room as I tried to weigh the pros and cons of saying yes.

"I think that will work."

"I'm glad to hear it." She smiled at me and stood up. "If you go with Doctor Zander he will take you to run some tests and we can get you set up with the summer training program and adjust your classes for next year."

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