Chapter 8

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I was walked out of the director's office and led to a small medical looking room.

"Put this on." Doctor Zander said as he threw a black shirt at me.

"Why?" I looked at the black shirt.

"Just change into it and meet me in the hall." He groaned as he left the room.

I took off the red and black flannel I had been wearing and my white long sleeves undershirt, but quickly got cold so I put it back on and just put the black shirt over it.

"I meant the undershirt too." He groaned as I left the room.

"I'm sorry, it's not my fault it's cold down here." I gestured around me.

He handed me a solid black super hero mask. I quickly put it on so I could take off the medical one.

"Fine you can wear it, but do not take off the black shirt during your testing." He ordered while leading me to another room. "Step right in here."

"Ok." I walked into the room  and the door slammed closed behind me. "Did you mean to close the door?"

There was no response.


I turned around and saw a candle sitting on a metal table in the middle of the room.

"We want to see the extent your abilities. First we need you to light the candle." A voice spoke over me.

"That sounds easy enough."

I walked over to the candle and stared at it for a second.

I realized my statement wasn't true at all. I had no idea how even make the fire.

"Umm... I'm sorry I dont know how I made things catch fire before..." I said as I looked around the room for any trace of the voice.

There was no response.

I touched the wick of the candle and still no reaction.

I tried everything I could think of to start a flame, even imagining I could feel the heat and trying to talk my powers into working.

I groaned and threw my head back after what felt like hours of trying.

"Can we move onto something else? I've been at this for hours."

"Its only been twenty minutes." The voice finally spoke.

"Really?"  I sighed as I turned my attention back to the candle.

Instead of a response I heard a loud creaking noise.

I frantically looked around the room. It wasnt hard to tell that the room was getting smaller.

"Come on." Small embers began to flake from my hands as I began to panic.

Before long there was only a foot between me and the wall that seemed to be moving even faster now.

"All you have to do is light the candle and everything will be fine."

"Va te faire foutre." I muttered to the voice before my hand finally caught fire.

I got excited until I felt the wall hit my back and quickly made me remember the situation I was currently in.

The candle wasn't lighting when I placed my hand over the wick. I ended up climbing onto the table to avoid being crushed.

"Light already!" I yelled at the candle.

I never actually saw the candle light but the walls began to recede back to how they were when I entered the room.

I hadn't realized how heavy my breathing had become during that whole process, until I had to work on steadying it back to normal.

I glanced at my hands and they looked perfectly fine while my shirt was slightly singed again, but there was no smoke or fire coming from them.

"I think we have enough data to adjust your PCR for today." Doctor Zander smiled as he walked into the room.

"What the hell was that? I could have died." I was no longer paniced but I was angry now.

"Relax it was completely under control." He raised his hands into the air. "It wasnt going to hurt you it was just to scare you."

"Bull sh..."

"I suggest you watch your language. You might be able to get away with your french, but we somt just have teenagers and adults that come here." The voice was back echoing through the room.

"It would seem anger and fear are big factors in accessing you abilities for now." Doctor Zander began to guide me out of the room while keeping his distance from me.

"Are all of the tests going to be like this?" I asked as I worked to calm myself down.

"More or less they will be. We have to figure out the limits of your powers and teach you how to control them based on how you react."


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