(FTO) Caught..

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Brandon x Allomus

Type: Embarrassing


Requested by: @Mari_TheGhost


Allomus wrapped his arms around Brandon's neck as Brandon left hickeys all over Allomus' neck. Brandon hummed softly as he bit down on Allomus neck, suddenly the door was opened.

Both Brandon and Allomus turned to face the door, Allomus a blaring red. Ritchie stood at the door, his eyes wide.

"I-.. Brandon! You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend..." Ritchie exclaimed, by now Allomus was hiding his face in his boyfriend's neck. Brandon just rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Get. Out." It was now Ritchie's turn to roll his eyes.

"No, first of all, you didn't even think of you know, telling me you had a boyfriend! Much less that it was Allomus!" Allomus slowly was able to come down and looked up, but immediately looked down once Ritchie caught sight of the hickeys. "Wait.. Allomus... Is... A....." He didn't say the word yet Allomus was probably beet red. Brandon glared at his brother, and eventually used his power to shut Ritchie out of the room.

Brandon sighed and looked at Allomus, who was now hiding his face in his hands. Brandon smiled sightly at his lover, he removed the hands off of Allomus face.

"Love.. It's fine.. You wanna cuddle?" Allomus blushed but meekly nodded. And so they did cuddle, talking about random things for the rest of the night..

And Allomus may have forgotten to put of concealer, and Jericho may have saw... But that's another story...


A/N: Ah, some more Allomus x Brandon for your night or day. This was requested and I think I've sold my heart and soul to this ship not gonna lie. I don't know why I love this ship so much... I just do... 

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