(AU Bloody Letters) Crimes

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus AU

Ship: None

Type: AU

Warnings: Blood warning and maybe Gore idk


Blood ran down the wall, dripping onto the ground. They grimaced, they pulled out their phone. Calling. The crimes were getting worse. "Yup, I'm here. Send backup."


Police sirens wailed in the background as two people spoke. "So how bad was it this time Davis?" Davis shook his head. "They seem to be getting less secretive. They keep leaving us clues." Lychee sighed as he walked over to them. "You guys might want to see this.."

Cal and Davis looked up, there was a body hanging from a tree branch. There was a note sticking out of the body, Davis grimaced. "Yup.. That's what I thought..." Lychee said, probably seeing Davis' face. Davis nodded, reaching up for the note.

"We should take this in for evidence." Lychee nodded as Cal looked closer at the note. "Guys..?" Cal pointed at the letter, it seemed it was addressed to someone.

"That's... Our names.." Lychee stated, Lychee quickly snatched the letter. He looked at it, tearing it open. Cal opened his mouth to protest, "We shouldn't open it! We don't know.. Well anything about it.." Cal protested, Lychee ignored him as his eyes skimmed the letter.

Cal and Davis looked at him, watching Lychee face changed into a shocked face. "Oh my gods.. This is fucking messed up." Davis raised an eyebrow, Lychee gave the note to him.

"seems you found my note, well. I guess I could give you a new case, below you'll find a picture. You'll only have 2 days to find the person, or I'll kill them. Tah tad, the clock's ticking..


The picture below was even more horrifying. Davis eyes widened, there was a girl. Her hands were tied behind her back, there was a gag in her mouth, her eyes showed horror. There were also cuts littering her body. Cal looked over his shoulder, he sighed.

"That's bad.." Cal said, Lychee rolled his eyes. "You think?" Lychee drawled. Cal rolled his eyes, Davis folded the note then put it in his jacket.

"We need to get back to the others, once we get back to the station we'll talk about it." Cal nodded, they left. Leaving the hanging body without a head behind for the others.

A/N: This is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy different then what I usually write. I don't understand how you write Gore.. So, uhm.. This is gonna be a little bit of a test for writing gore.

Also, I got this idea because of amazing Criminal Minds. 

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