(FTO) Protective

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Bryan x Allomus x Mario (Decided to mix it upp)

Type: Uh

Warnings: Uh none..


Question of the Fic: The most random fact you know?

Mine: Honestly.. No idea..


Bryan rolled his eyes at Allomus and Mario, annoyed by their constant protectiveness. He appreciated their worries, but sometimes it got out of hand. He was just trying to talk to Nix and apparently Nix's got too close and that set off both boys.

"Guys! It's fine! He didn't mean any harm!" Bryan said as he tried to calm down the two dragon slayers. "Why do you even care anyways?!" Mario turned to Bryan, his eyes glowing sightly.

"Because you're ours!" Mario moved closer to Bryan, forgetting about Nix. He caressed Bryan's face, Bryan blushed Red, backing up sightly.

Allomus looked over at them, letting go of Nix. He smirked sightly, walking up behind Bryan while he was distracted. Bryan backed up into Allomus, he looked up at Allomus, he blushed.

He looked down, "I- Uh.." Mario smiled, he caressed Bryan's face again. "We won't do anything about our feelings if you don't approve.." Bryan looked up at Mario wide eye.

"I- uhm.. I never said that.." Allomus smiled softly, "Hm.. What's you answer darling?" Allomus ran his fingers through Bryan's hair softly.

"Mhmm..... I- I would like to try.." Allomus softly kissed Bryan's forehead, Mario smiled. "May I kiss you?" Mario asked, Bryan nodded meekly.

Mario gently kissed Bryan, basking in the feel of Bryan's lips. He slowly pulled away from Bryan, reluctantly.

"Heh.." Bryan smiled, leaning against Allomus. While Mario smiled.

A/N: Procrastination is a bitch, I'm probably gonna take a break soon.

Also, Hi 

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