(A/N) Reflecting on my Writing?

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A/N:.. Oh.. Is this.. An Author's note at the beginning of the chapter... I-? Wow, but this is needed. So, Since it's a new year (I kept forgetting to do this.) I'm gonna be showing y'all one of my first stories and one of my recent. I have another first one, but I chose this one mostly because it was the thing that made me want to write more. It's also an Harry Potter thing sooo... And it's trashy. I hate it.. I don't want to show it...

So, this mostly to reflect on my journey through writing.
No... It could NOT be true, he Blaise Zabini had a "Crush", yes a "crush" he only ever had a few nightstands here and there but NEVER had he had a real "Crush" it was weird. and that's not even the worst part, his "Crush" was freaking-

Neville Longbottom!

Yes the Neville Longbottom the one in the gryffindor house yes that one, the one who is friends with the golden trio, YES THAT ONE.


Suddenly blaise was yanked out of his thoughts by none other then: Pansy Parkinson one of his Friends at Hogwarts

"What do you want Pansy? You kinda interrupted me." Blaise said quite pissed at her but he didn't show it.

"Well EXCUSE me jeez, well i just wanted to say something. But now i'm not going to because clearly you don't care about me." She said in a faked hurt voice.

Ugh i can't believe her, i was already having a bad day. But at least it can't get worse


HE was VERY wrong it. It had gotten worse, when pansy saw him looking at Neville WITH dreamy eyes! Like how did she see him (ugh i swear she has a sixth sense)

"OOooOO looks like bla-" that when she stopped, "Pansy why did you stop?." Draco said-( well malfoy.. ) the only thing pansy actually did was point behide us (mind you that me and draco were now facing away from the gryffindor table.)

That's when we(draco and me)heard a throat clearing behide us. That's finally when we did turn around and we saw no other then the golden trio plus a few others.. that's when we knew we were dead..

Ewwwwwwwww, it's disgusting.. Feel free to call it trash. Now my recent one


His eyes were dark. He bit his lip, taking a small step forward. He sniffed the air, smoke filled his senses. His eyes darted around, trying to find the source. He sniffed the air again, he blinked. The smell was gone, he narrowed his eyes. He walked forward, his eyes opened. Sunlight filled the small cave, a boy walked in.

"Here." He dropped a pan of food in front of him. He sniffed it, he then looked at the boy. His hair was minty, it was glowing in the dark.

"W-Who ar-are y-you?" His throat was dry, creating multiple cracks in his voice. The boy smiled, he sat down next to him.

"I'm Cal.. Nice to meet you." Cal held out a hand, he sniffed it softly. He looked at Cal, he looked away, shaking his head. "Uh.. Who are you?" He looked back at Cal, Cal had a cup of water. He took it, taking small sips.

"C-Castiel.. " Cal smiled at him, Castiel looked at him, his eyes scanning his appearance. He then looked away, looking around the room instead. His eyes darting to every single detail.

"You should eat.." He heard sudden movement, he swiftly looked to Cal. He was standing up, "Ill see you tomorrow." Castiel glared at Cal as he left.

'Fine then... Tomorrow..'


A/N: Wow, it's been a long journey. I do have non fandom stuff, so I might show that. But yeah.. This has been a ride..

Question of the Fic: What's your favorite song and Music Genre?

Mine is, top three favorite songs have to be
Willow By Taylor Swift
Breath By Lauve
Dying is a Beautiful Thing By Eashe

Favorite Music genre has to be. Pop, more early 2010s and 2000s.

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