(OoO) "It's too late."

977 14 19

Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Past!Bryan x Mario

Type: Angst


Question of the Fic: Drop down them Pronouns. Thanks. Basically, What's y'all's pronouns?

Bryan sighed softly, wiping the hair in his face to the side. "Bryan..." Bryan turned around, his eyes immediately flickering down upon seeing who it was.

"Mario." He replied, his tone blank, unreadable. Mario sighed, putting a hand to his face. He walked closer, Bryan walking backwards more. It went like that for a minute, Mario getting more fend up.

"Listen! Bryan I just want to talk." Bryan chuckled darkly, "Talk.. Yeah.. Sure.." Mario sighed once more, this one more agitated.

"Why won't you talk to me!?" Mario yelled, probably drawing unwanted attention. Bryan looked up at him, his eyes watering.

"You left me!" Mario stopped, staring at Bryan. He bit his lip, taking a deep breath in. "I didn't want to.." Bryan chuckled sadly, willing himself to stay strong.

"That's not what you had said before." Bryan looked up again, staring Mario straight in the eyes. "You said our relationship was worthless Mario! Do you know how I felt after that? Did you even think about how I felt!?"

Mario looked down, guilty. "I know.. And I'm sorry, I don't blame you if you just hate me.. But why won't you talk to me? I want to make this right.." Bryan chuckled once more.

"You already ruined it. Goodbye Mario." Mario's eyes widened, Bryan walked straight through him, disappearing. A tear dripped onto the dead grass, Mario fell to his knees, caressing the gravestone. "I'm sorry.."

A/N: some nice juicy angst, you might expect more in this coming week as shits going on in my life rn.

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