(AU) Revenge Party! 💃

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Fandom: Mean Girls AU

Ship: Uh.. None but alot at the same time..

Type: Song Fic

Warninng: None..

Song: Revenge Party From Mean Girls the Musical.

Normal= Viper "Singing/Talking"

Italic= Colin "Singing/Talking"

Bold= Pat "Talking/Singing"

Underlined= Micheal "Talking/Singing"

All of them= All four of them

Italic and Underline = Chorus

No Underlined but all the others = Viper, Colin, and Pat.


"Now you know, Michael, Eden is not your friend. We're your friends, and we're gonna to make him pay!" Viper smiled, while he had a hand on Michael's shoulder. "And you know what friends do?" Michael looked at Viper questioningly. "They've got your Back!"

"And they're fun to be around!"Colin inputted, making Michael smiled at him. "Whuh-oh, Whuh-oh, Whuh-oh! "

"When someone hurts you, then they attack!" Pat said, getting on top of the table. Michael smiled.

"And Grind your foe into the ground!" Viper had an evil smile on his face.

"Whuh-oh, Whuh-oh, Whuh-oh!"

"Imagine a party with dresses and cake. And singing and dancing and Cake!!" Colin said as he stared up at the sky dreamily.

"And there's a Magic act that saws Eden in half! And this time it will take.. " Viper rubbed his hands together.

"Now that's a Party!" Pat jumped off the table.

"A Revenge Party!!" Pat, Colin, Michael, and Viper jumped up on the table.

"A Party that ends with somebody's heads on a spike!"

"Whuh-oh, Whuh-oh, Whuh-oh!" Michael slung his arm around Colin's shoulders. The other two did the same.

"It's a Revenge Party! With your three best Friends! It's like a party with Revenge, it's what it's like!" They all jumped off the table, a group handshake was shared.

"For this to work, You're going to have to pretend you still like them. Can you do it?" Michael nodded, as Viper smiled evilly.


"Hey Girl!" Michael said as he smiled at Bryan.

"Hey, Eden wanted me to tell you that he tried to talk to Allomus. But he just wanted him back and that not Eden's fault." Michael forced a smile, while Bryan looked guilty but had a small smile on his face.

"I get it.. I just hope I can still have lunch with you guys." Bryan smiled, he half hugged Michael.

"Aw, Of course!" Bryan walked away, sending one last wave at Michael. Making Michael feel alitte bit guilty. But not guilty enough, Michael smiled evilly.

Viper and the other came out of their hiding place. "It's a Revenge Party! A party that ends with Eggshells all over the wall! It's a Revenge Party, With your Three best friends!" Colin slung his arm over Michael's shoulder. "And I end up with Allomus when she's gone!" Pat smiled at him. "Yes Michael!"

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