(OoO) Arranged Marriages

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Bryan x Mario

Type: Fluff? Arranged Marriages? Kinda AU

Warnings: Idk, 

Question of the fic: Favorite Series?

Y'all mine is so Criminals Minds.

Silk ran down his body, outlining every single curve and muscle. "Do I have to wear this mother..?" Bryan asked while he pulled the silk sightly, Aphrodite rolled her eyes at her son. She grabbed his hand, "Stop you'll ruin the silk! I got the finest silk for this event." Bryan just sighed, looking away.

"And why should I care? The worse I look the better.. I don't want to get married to some idiot!" Aphrodite glared, her eyes set shivers down his spine.

She sighed, walking towards the door. "You just don't understand, now you have some rest time before the event." She walked out the door, locking it. Bryan sighed, flopping onto his bed.

He shut his eyes, letting loose a few tears. He gave a shaky breath as he got up, walking over towards the mirror. He looked at himself, the silk practically drowned him.

He had a long toga on, it was a light blue with gold accents. He smirked. He teared off some of the silk on his arms, freeing his arms. He grabbed his scissors, he bought them up to the toga end, cutting off the ends.

He smirked in the mirror, the toga was to his ankles, with the sleeves to his mid bicep. "Wow, your mother's not gonna like that." He looked over his shoulder, there was nothing there except for a sword. "Good. See you in a while Rose." He felt a hum, he smiled. Walking out the door.


Bri nudged him, "Nice outfit, though I don't think Mother is happy.." She tilted her head to their Mother, she was glaring sightly at Bryan. Bryan just rolled his eyes.

"Oh she can be mad, I'm the one getting married without my own will!" He whispered yelled to her, Bri just smiled at him. Soon the suitors began filling the room, Bri just wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

After the suitors filled the room Aphrodite stood in front of them. "This is Zen, Son of Apollo!" She began droning on, Bryan tuned her out. She eventually made it to the last suitor. "This is Mario, Son of Zeus." That sparked Bryan's attention. He looked at Mario, he seemed okay. Well.. More then okay but Bryan would never admit that.

Mario's hair was black with a small streak of yellow, he was wearing a simple toga. "-You'll have a few days to get to know the person you chose. Remember Bryan you only have a day." Bryan nodded sightly as Aphrodite dismissed them.


Bryan laid on his bed, it was currently the next morning, he was supposed to choose today and he wasn't very enthusiastic about it. Well, maybe that would be a small lie. All he could think about was Mario, he seemed.. Interesting.

He rolled on his side as he heard a knock on his door, "Come in." Bri walked in, her pink hair flowing behind her. She had an amused face on as she looked at him. "You should get changed, the suitors are going to be here in a few minutes." Bryan nodded, he slowly got up. "I'll be outside" She walked outside without getting a response.

Bryan sighed, grabbing a toga. He didn't pay much attention to what he put on, as why should he. He looked in the mirror, the toga was white with gold accents. He fixed his hair, grabbing a golden head piece. He walked outside, grabbing Bri's arm as they walked to the main hall.

The main hall was already filled with the suitors, his eyes skimmed the crowd. His eyes fell on Mario, he narrowed his eyes sightly. Bri placed a hand on his shoulder, bringing his attention back to his mother.

"Well Bryan, who are you choosing?" Aphrodite smiled, Bryan looked back at the crowd. Taking in their stances, he looked back at Mario. His stance was uncomfortable, as if he was forced here. It interested Bryan, he hummed.

"I want him, Mario, Son of Zeus." Aphrodite raised an eyebrow but none the less told the rest to leave. Bri looked at Bryan questionably, Bryan just shrugged it off.

He could tell that Mario was uncomfortable, probably being forced here by his father. "You shall go talk in the gardens." Aphrodite said, pushing Mario over to him sightly. Bri let go of Bryan's shoulder, walking over to their mother.

Bryan nodded to Mario, taking his hand. He lead Mario out to the gardens, Mario seemed somewhat uncomfortable.

"Don't seem so tense." Mario's eyes widened, he looked up at Bryan. "I don't bite.. Unless you would like me to." Mario blushed sightly, looking away. Bryan smiled, jumping up on a wall. Mario looked up at it, "Uh.. H-How?" Bryan just smiled, holding out his hand for Mario. The latter grabbed it hesitantly, Bryan pulled him up.

"So, what's your story?" Bryan asked, Mario looked down. "W-well.. My father w-wanted me to be s-stronger.. But he realized I was w-weak.. And wanted me o-out of his l-life.." Bryan could feel anger, he looked at the smaller male. Mario was looking down, holding his arms around him. Bryan smiled, pulling Mario into his side. Making Mario blush as he hid his face in Bryan's side.

"Don't worry, you'll never be going back to him.. Well, unless you want to." Mario raised his head, he shock his head. Burying his head back in Bryan's side. Bryan smiled at him.

"You're adorable darling." Mario made a muffled sound, his face was bright red. Mario yawned, "Don't fall asleep on me." Mario shook his head, yawning more. Bryan sighed, picking up Mario. He brought Mario to his room, setting him on the bed. Mario clutched Bryan's hand, Bryan smiled sightly. Laying down next to Mario, the latter curled up into Bryan's side.

Huh, maybe this isn't as bad as I thought..

A/N: No idea I kinda just wrote this.. So uh.. Ahem.. 

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