(OoO) Memories?

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Slight! Brandeen x Daveed

Type: AU

Warnings: None


A woman chuckled under her breath, her flawless brown hair, silky and smooth, falling over her shoulders. "M-Maria..?" She turned and looked at a young boy with ginger hair, he nervously twisted his fingers in his hand.

"Daveed.. You know you can call me Mom." Daveed looked down nervously, his eyes wilting with tears. "I- I know.. Sorry i- I'll leave.." Maria smiled softly, she turned and grabbed Daveed, holding him close to her heart. "-----"


Daveed woke up in a cold sweat, panting as he sat up. He sighed, "Not that memory.." He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he slowly got up.

The memory had haunted him for years, he had never understood it.. Yet it made him feel warm inside, he only knew one thing about the girl in the memory.. And that was her name.

Daveed never understood why he couldn't remember it, it was if it was wiped from his memories, though that seemed stupid as who would want to wipe his memories.

"Daveed! Why the hell is there a whistling sound this early!?" Daveed jumped, getting knocked out of his thoughts. And indeed there was a whistling sound going off, he quickly turned off the pot, the whistling sound stopped. He turned back to Brandeen.

He sheepishly chuckled, rubbing his neck. "Sorry Bestie." Brandeen groaned, muttering curses in Greek under his breath. "Whatever.." Brandeen turned away from the ginger male, walking off as he still muttered under his breath.

Daveed's smile fell, his eyes downcast. I know he'll never like me.. It still hurts though.. He sighed, taking his cup.


Daveed laid on his bed, listening to Brandeen and Lychee talk. As much as he hated to admit it, he was jealous of Lychee, the latter always could talk to Brandeen, to get Brandeen to smile and laugh.

It hurt. Daveed shook his head, letting his mind dwell on other things, including his dream. That Maria lady seemed to be close to him.

Even asking him to call her mom, a ping stabbed at his heart, he never really had a mother now that he thought about. "Daveed!" Daveed sighed, jumping up.

"Yes Bestie?" Brandeen groaned, staring up at him. "Don't call me that!" Brandeen snapped, crossing his arms. A seemingly light blush on his face, Lychee giggled under his breath.

Daveed jumped down from his little apartment, standing in front of the others. "Aw, why not?" Daveed teased, it was times like this that Daveed would take up, as long as he could stay with Brandeen.

Brandeen sighed, muttering something in Greek that Daveed couldn't quite catch. "Are you alright Daveed?" Lychee questioned, Daveed turned to the small demon, his eyes widening as he chuckled nervously.

"Yeah.. Why wouldn't I be?" Lychee narrowed his eyes at Daveed, making the latter shiver sightly.

"Brandeen had brought up that you were acting odd this morning.." Daveed held back a blush, Brandeen cared? Daveed sighed a little, there was no point in lying anyways, they would find out, they always did.

"I-.. I have dreams.. These odd dreams, about this woman and a younger me.. It's the same dream everytime, this woman smiling as she cooked in the kitchen, and a younger me walking in nervously. Her name is Maria, though when I said it to her, she asked me to call her mom.." Daveed sighed, his eyes downcast, it was odd talking about this to someone, as he never opened up about his true feelings.

Lychee glanced at Brandeen, then stared back at Daveed. "Maria..? Why would this girl ask you to call her mom? Was there anything else that seemed odd per say?" Lychee questioned, making Daveed look back at up at both of them.

"I mean.. I seemed more shy, when she asked me to call her mom, I got nervous and was about to leave the room, but that's it.." Brandeen and Lychee glanced at eachother, before Brandeen sighed. Brandeen looked at Daveed, sighing once more.

"I would say it's a true memory, someone had erased it though.. Could you say key details about the house?" Daveed looked at Brandeen confused, before looking up, imagining the dream in his head.

"There.. It was a small house, it had a very cottagey vibe, there was a greenish couch in the corner of my eye. The kitchen was cozy, it had pictures and signs scattering the walls, there was a single window in front of the sink, looking out to a clearing then trees.." Daveed looked back at the two, seeing a small blush dust Brandeen's cheeks.

"I have an idea.."

A/N: No idea to be honest. Also not me trying to ask my freaking cousin a question and her saying yea, then not doing what I asked! Then I asked again if she knew what I meant, and she said yea, and I asked her to do it again, and she didn't. Jesum.

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