(A/N) Fly me to the moon~

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No posties today, I wanna try to do a special so I kinda wanna create an actual story outline, so I kinda need ideas.
Any ideas?

Also, I was just looking through my song playlist and realized how out of place some of the songs are, like holy shit 😂 I just wanna send it to my cousin and be like "This is what I listen to, I hope your proud." also, please listen to the song above

Also, today just hasn't been my day, it's been a busy day. And when I was helping cook dinner I cut my pinkie. (And fun fact I have a low low pain resistant, so it hurt like hell) And when we finally got it wrapped, my mom had wrapped it way too tight which cut off my pinkie circulation so yeah.. Today just hasn't been my day.

I hope today was way better for y'all.

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