(OoO) They're Happier..

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Ship: Bryan x Mario x Inpu

Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Type: Fluff and Angst

Warnings: just Sadness..

Question of the Fic: Wanna share an interesting Storytime?

Mine: Ok, get ready y'all.. So storytime I guess, there was this one girl in my class. She was best friends with my best friend, let's call her D and my best friend E. Basically we fought, alot... She was really manipulative, she always made E feel bad about herself, onetime even making E want to kinda end her life. And there was this one time I told a secret to E, and D got mad.. Very mad, but said she wasn't when my other friend told me she was.. And guess what, at the end of the day. We talked, she got mad and I just snapped.. I made her cry.. Ahem.. Yup.. There was alot more to the story but that would take awhile more.. I mean if anyone's interested I'll make an author's note about it..

Bryan's POV

It hurts, that's all I can think of. I clutched a note, the only thing left of him. "Are you ready?" Bri asked, looking over at me. I nodded meekly, walking up to her. She whispered something under her breath, suddenly light filled my vision.

Memories, "Bri why?" She sighed, holding my hand. "You need to reflect on everything that happened.." I whimpered softly, closing my eyes as I feel tears running down my cheeks.

".. I'll be back in a moment I guess.." Bri left me, alone in my own mind scape. I sighed a shaky breath, I walked, my legs wobbling every so often.

I came to a door, there was names on it. "Mario and Inpu" I shakly opened the door, memories flooded my vision. I sat down, trying to keep my vision clear.

3rd Person POV

Bryan was cuddled up with Mario and Inpu, it was an odd sight to say the least. Mario, Inpu, and Bryan had gotten into a relationship a little while after Inpu and Bryan had. Apparently Mario had started gaining feelings for the both of them. Anyways..

Bryan cuddled into Mario and Inpu, he was being particularly clingy today. Inpu chucklrd, "What's wrong Bryan? You're usually only clingy if something's wrong." Inpu said, running his hand through Bryan's hair.

"I don't honestly know, I just feel clingy today." Bryan said, hugging Inpu's chest. Mario smiled softly, petting Inpu's ears. Inpu purred softly, while Bryan just chuckled. "Plus, this is nice." Inpu just nodded, pushing his ears into Mario's hand.


Bryan's POV

I shakily took a breath, the memory ended. I didn't have peace for long though, other memory hit me in the face.


3rd Person POV

Bryan whimpered softly, seeing Mario try to control his power. Inpu was hugging Mario, trying to calm him. Bryan was hiding behind a wall, as he was the reason Mario got mad. He sniffled, walking away, trying not to get caught by either of them. He knew they would be mad if they saw him spying, once he got to the lake, he sighed.

He sat down, dripping his legs into the water. He took a shaky breath, "I-... I should leave.. They would be happier without me.." He sat there for hours, just thinking for awhile.

Bryan's POV
Tears fell down my face, I ran out of the room. Bri held me while I sobbed into her dress. "I- *hiccup* I'm ready to leave.." Bri nodded, grabbing my hand and taking me towards the light.

"Mom is waiting for us on the other side." I nodded, bringing my hand towards the light wall. I breathed in, walking in. The light was warm, I smiled. They'll be happier without me..

I was.... Home...

A/N: Ahem.. Sorry for no oneshots yesterday day, I was playing games with one of my friends. So yeah, this one was from awhile go and I just finished it. I'm gonna make a songfic going with this, I was just winging this so.. If it doesn't make sense.. But yeah..

Also thank you for the suggestions on my Question of the fic Author's note, I read all of the comments on my stories but there are times I don't reply, just know I read all of them. 

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