(A/N) Meet-

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Time for y'all to meet my official Persona. Love her.

Name: Adaline

Nickname: Ada

Sexuality: Bi

Phrase: "Fuck life."

Age: 17

Pronouns: She/Her

Birthday: July 15th

Magic: Sky and Star

She connects to the stars and sky, she's always been the black sheep of the family as everyone else had Water Magic.
Her star powers are mostly constellation themed, so she can feed off the powers of the Celestial Spirits. Her sky powers allow her to change the weather and stuff like that.

Weakness: Because of her being able to control the weather, she can't completely harness it yet, when she's sad the weather will change to rain or lightning depending on how upset she is. When she's happy it'll be sunny but sometimes it could cause drought so she tries to control it. She has almost perfect control over her star powers, as that's the power her mother wanted her to show.

Backstory~: Ada at a young age was overlooked because of her magic, she was mostly put alone until she met one of her, now, bff, Sun. But back to her childhood life, Ada was always the forgotten one of her siblings, her siblings had always gotten more attention, more love, while she was in the background. She grew up with 4 siblings, one sister, two brothers, and her twin.

She wasn't a planned pregnancy as her mom liked things even, so when she was born, and they found out she had different magic, she was basically thrown away. The only reason she wasn't put up for adoption is because her twin begged their Mom, saying she would leave to. And so she stayed, always to be forgotten until she met Sun.

Her and Sun were put together on a school project, and they hit it off and eventually became best friends. Adaline's twin also joined their friendship, creating a trio. Which was bound to never be broken.. Or.. Was it..?

Family: Harper (Sister), Luke (Brother), Adam (Brother), Amelia (Twin)

Friends: Sun

Likes: Plants, gardening, horses, singing, being outside, soft music

Hobbies: Horseback riding, ukulele, singing

Personality: Kind, Sweet, Kinda Funny, oblivious, stubborn sometimes,

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