(FTO) A Stroll

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Devin x Mori


Warning: None.. I think


Devin was walking in town, he was fiddling with his jacket. He sighed, stopping. He still felt heartbroken, he should've known Ritchie didn't like him.

He heard a coughing sound, he looked in the direction it came from. There was person, their eyebrow was raised. "Uh.. Hello?" Devin said, the person just sighed. Their light purple hair shining in the sunlight.

"What are you doing..?" Devin bit his lip, looking away from the person.

"Just taking a stroll through town I suppose... Who are you if I might ask?" The person rolled their eyes.

"Mori.. You are?"

"Devin, Nice to meet you." Devin looked back at Mori. He couldn't help but blush and look away again.

"Aren't you in Divinus Magia?" Devin looked back at Mori, he nodded his head. Mori looked away, seeming to be deep in thought. Devin blushed softly, Wow, who knew you gained feelings fast.. Devin glared at the ground, he didn't say anything back to Eden.

"Sense I'm tired of Silence.. What the hell do you want Mori? Shouldn't you be getting back to your guild." Devin groaned, Mori sighed. Glaring at the ground.

"wouldn't suspect you would get stuck in a body." Devin raised an eyebrow.

"You know Eden?" Mori rolled his eyes, nodding his head sightly.

"Unfortunately." Mori sighed. "How do you know Eden..?" Devin asked, his interest peeking.

Mori smiled slightly and got closer to Devin. The latter blushed sightly, as he bumped into a wall. Mori leaned in, whispering in his ear. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." Devin felt a shiver go down his spine, his face was bright red as Mori walked away.

"Oh.. And.. Don't worry, I find you cute as well." Devin's eyes widened as he blushed, he could hear Eden's faint chuckling and grumbling in the background.

"Oh... No.. He's hot.." Eden started full on cackling. You truly are something..

A/N: Ahem... I bless you with some crackships.. Don't blame me, blame the number generator.. I hate this... But love it.. And I don't know why!!! But, nice crackships.. Oh god.. 

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