(FTOS4?) A Past once Forgotten

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Fandom: I think Fairytail origins season 4 or maybe inbetween.. 

Ships: No

Type: Angst

TW: Eh. 


Lucas was sleeping soundly, he was relieved to finally be able to get some sleep without David interrupting it. Everything was nice, until the nightmares came... 


A younger Lucas was practicing on his powers, he was doing well to be honest. He was proud that he could finally make a huge water storm. A man opened the door to the house, panting as he did. He quickly shut it behind him, he leaned against the door breathing heavily. 

"Master Nesso? What's wrong?" Lucas had stopped using his magic awhile ago to instead stare at his Mentor. Nesso head shot up as he looked at Lucas, The God slayer then realized that blood was trickling down his face. 

"Boat, you have to leave now!" His voice urgent, Lucas walked up to him. Lucas was most definitely confused, he was about to ask what Nesso meant. But just then the door shot off the hinges, what stood there was a monster. A monster capable of many thing that Lucas now understood. 

"No.. I was too late.. Lucas.. Run while you still can.. " Nesso got up and faced the monster, the monster smiled. It was amused. 

"You can't run Nesso. You can't save this water slayer..I win.. Now give up. " The monster growled coming closer, Lucas was frozen. He wanted to help, he wanted to destroy this monster. 

"No.." A burst of strength flowed through Lucas, he felt himself change into his God Slayer Form. He had to protect his Mentor, only too late he realized he made a mistake. The Monster smiled, this was what it wanted. One sliced, a thump was heard as the head fell to the ground. The monster's eyes shined, Nesso breathed out one last spell. Which locked the Goddess inside of Lucas for years to come.. But all Lucas could think of was how this was his fault, he fell next to his Mentor's dead body. He grieved, he made a silent promise never to use his god form unless he had too. The monster was always him... The next day he buried the body of his former Mentor, and left. Never ever going back.... 


Lucas awoke in a cold sweat, he curled up thinking of his former mentor. It was a raining day, a day for change.. He sighed and got up, getting ready for the day.. He was changed, right?...


Another repost. 

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