(MHO) Death

996 14 2

Fandom: My Hero Origins

Ship: None.

Type: Angst?



Beep. Beep. Beeppppp!

Yuuto's eyes opened sightly, he looked around deranged, he rubbed his eyes sightly. ".. Where am I?" He questioned quietly, his voice horse. "Hello." He looked to the side, his eyes widened as he saw a black figure.

"W-Who are y-you?" He questioned, his heart racing sightly, for reasons he didn't quite understand. "Hm.. Well I'm.. No one to be fair." Yuuto tilted his head, confused by the figure's words.

"What?" The figure sighed, the air around Yuuto getting tighter. "W-what..?" Yuuto had troubles breathing, air seem to get thicker.

"Hm.. Seems you're life is deflating.. Such an interesting topic, humans die so easily." The figure chuckled lightly, staring Yuuto in the eye, their dark eyes showing amusement.

Yuuto kept quiet, his eyes watering sightly. The air kept getting thicker, fire burning up Yuuto's arm. His eyes widened, he looked down then back up, fear in his eyes.


A/N: I need to stop writing death, it's fine.
Also I'm really happy with the progress I made on Grimshade, I almost got to 2k words on today's chapter. Damn.

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