(FTO) To Blame Yourself

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Platonic! David x Brandon

Type: Angst/Fluff

Warnings: Sad boi Brandon.

Question of the Day: What is a phrase you say so often?
Mines: Don't die, it's bad for your mental health.

To blame yourself it seems.
Requested by: JessieB3214


Brandon sat there, his eyes blank. It hurt, he blamed himself, there had to have been a way to stop.. This... Everything. But he didn't, he couldn't. A tear dripped onto the solid ground, more joining soon.

"It's my fault." The Sky Slayer whispered to himself, everyone had said it wasn't, but truly.. If he had never gotten token over, none of this would have happened.

He wouldn't be alone. He would have no o-. "Brandon.." Brandon looked up, his eyes glazed with tears, David sighed, pity in his eyes.

David sat down, bringing the Sky Devil closer to him. To the point where Brandon was cuddled into David's side. The sight would've seemed, more.. Romantic if people hadn't known they were Aro.

"It.. Is though.. If Jupiter had never token over-" Brandon cut himself off with a soft sob, he quickly put a hand over his mouth, crying as his shoulders shook.

David grabbed Brandon's hand, rubbing circles over it, something they had done before to calm him down.. When it had just been the three. "I- I'm sorry." Brandon muttered out, more tears falling.

Brandon brought himself closer to David, muffling his sobs. For a moment.. It seemed comforting, but soon the world has to crash.. To crash and burn it shall.

A/N: Sometimes the world has to crash for us to truly see the world in it's light.

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