Updated Rules and Request

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Wassup! So here's my updated rules and stuff.

1. No inappropriate ones. EX: Smut, (ew) Very gorey.

2. If I don't take your request, I'm either not comfortable with it or I'm busy with other requests. (I accept almost all requests but sometimes I cancel them so..) So if your request doesn't get done.. Welp don't hate.

3. I'm a very slow request doer, but I am very fast at making my own ideas so. You'll have stuff to read in the main time.

Now onto the series I'll do

FTO: Fairytail Origins. Some season four characters may be OOC at times.

OoO: Origins of Olympus. Both Seasons.

SNO: Supernatural Origins. I'll probably only do season two.

Now side series.. No, I didn't forget OZ I just didn't watch much of it, I got bored of it.

SDS: Seven Deadly Sin. I don't got much to say for this one.

SCP: SCP. Nothing to say either.

SRP: School RP. It's not exactly an origins series, but I love it.

SitM: Stuck in the Middle. This is also not an origins series but another great Minecraft roleplay so...

That should be it...

Request away I guess... 

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