(AU) Humor?

712 14 0

Fandom: Origins of Olympus AU

Ship: Idk

Type: Uh.. Something??

Warning: Uh.. Idk


Castiel sniffed the air, the smoke smell was long gone. "Why do you always sniff everything?" His eyes darted to Cal, the minty hair boy was leaning against the wall. He glared at Cal, then looked away. He growled at the wall, smelling something. He heard a soft chuckle, he glared at Cal.

"What's so funny...?" Castiel was still glaring at him, Cal started chuckling ever more. He growled and looked back at the wall.

"Do you not understand Humor?" Cal asked inbetween chuckles, Castiel continued to look at the wall.

"No.. I was never giving a chance at humor.." Cal stopped laughing, Castiel looked back at him. There was a small frown on Cal's face. "Don't feel to bad.. Now, when am I getting out?" Cal rolled his eyes, a small smile coming on his face.

"You still have to heal.." Castiel glared, his pupils becoming slits. "And that's another reason.. I don't want you attacking the camp." Castiel grumbled as he looked away from Cal, glaring at the wall more.

He took a deep breath in, he then looked back at Cal. Cal chuckled some more, "God.. Do you really think that's terrifying, it's more adorable then terrifying." A light blush covered Castiel's face, he looked away.

"When are you going to leave.."He heard a soft chuckle, "See you tomorrow, Castiel.." Cal said, he heard the door shut.

Castiel crawled over to the food Cal had left, he sighed. He grabbed a plate of it, eating slowly. His eyes darting around the room, as if he was scared someone was going to come out. As he finished his food, he licked his lips. And then slowly got up. He growled, feeling pain shot up his leg. He whimpered softly as he took a step towards the place Cal was sitting.

He laid down in the place, hugging his legs to him. Curling up, he took a deep breath in. Humming a song, he soon fell asleep.


A/N: Ok listen... I love my bean.. I love him alot.. He definitely has alot of secrets to him though.. Alot, I'm going to reveal two things about Castiel.

He's a demigod, and part Panther. So yeah.Also we're nearing 100 chapters soon.. I don't know what I'm gonna do for that. 

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