(A/N) How are your lungs? Are they in pain?

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For my post today I shall bless you with my amazing! Outlines for the few stories I do outlines for, like some of my requests and the Grimshade AU outlines, which I have yet to get to finish currently.

But anyways, (Also, sorry for the angst I laid on y'all.) Here's my request outlines, this is from awhile ago sooo, and I haven't finish one soo.. Spoiler alertttt

✔️Devin and Michael bonding, Snow day, really fluffy. I just realized I can't do fluff  ;-;

✔️Cal x Set, Evil Cal. Cal begins to question being a good person.

✔️SCP Bryan x Mario, Bryan's tired on a SCP floor and Mario cares for Bryan and takes him back to the normal floor to sleep

✔️Blake x Lucas, Blake gets kidnapped by Abraham, Lucas saves her. Yo y o  y o,

✔️FTO Bryan x Mario/ Bryan x Allomus, both of them being overprotective lovers. Ha

✔️FTO Inmo Stuff, Maybe Inmo and Boss bonding?? Or Maybe some Inmo feeling hurt about Boss.. Just Inmo and Boss, maybe Boss protective of the beannnn

A Normal Day P2, Uh.. More of Brandon in a love triangle, but now let's add Michael! Because Brandon loves three different people! Who's he gonna choose? Find out in Dragon Ball Z

Now we shall see some of the FTO AU Outlines, these are very entertaining I know!


Michael going to the New school, he meets the friends and they become a good group. He learns about Grimshade, and may have gain a new love at first sight crush.

He then bums into the Popular Group, they have a small conversation. But little do they know that a certain brown haired spy was spying on them, Devin reports back to Eden about everything. This is when things get of the cannon mean girls, and apparently Eden is an obsessed person and wants Michael to himself and my also want Allomus.

Bryan has to ask in this chapter 'what's a Michael.'

End Chapter.. Weee

✔️Second chapter. Tuesday

It's Michael second Day, chaos seems to be coming fast. Today he gets invited to sit with Grimshade tomorrow, he takes the offer. He also talks with Jericho, he seems to know alot about Grimshade. What secrets are they hiding?

End Chapter.

✔️Third Chapter. Wednesday

This day he actually sits with Grimshade, they don't seem to bad. But all he can think about is the things Jericho told him, should he really beware of them? He also talks to La Carnival, they seem.... Interesting.. Huh, he might have to talk to them more.

End Chapter

✔️Chapter Four. Thursday

Today he talks to Divinus Magia, they seem pretty cool. He also talks to Devin, but Devin seemed unnerved the whole time. He also talks to Bryan, who seemed to be distracted the whole time. He looked over and saw that Bryan was staring at Mario and Davis. That's a little odd.

End Chapter.

✔️Chapter Five. Friday

The week is almost over, and man is Michael glad. The day went by fairly fast, but at the end of the day he gets invited over to Devin and Eden's house. Eden wasn't around but the other two were and they hang out. Talking about Devin and Bryan's crushes, maybe Pat and the others were wrong about them.

End Chapter.

✔️Chapter Six. Saturday

Eden's setting his plan in motion, and Michael's Mom has asked him to help in the shop..

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