(Bloody Letters) Found out...?

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus AU


Type: AU

Warnings: Harsh Language and sensitive topics.


They spun a pen around, tapping their other hand on the table. They glanced up at the clock, they cracked a smile. "Clocks ticking.." He laughed evilly as they looked at the security cameras. "I'm winning.."


Davis parked the van, the skatepark was bare except for a man with orange hair. He was doing tricks on his skateboard, Davis, Xylo, and Austin walked over to him. "Colin Hermes?" Davis flashed his badge as Colin looked at them. Colin immediately stopped, looking at the agents. He sighed, looking down. "You're here because of Lily right?" He looked sad.

"Hm.. We're here to ask some questions." Colin nodded, sitting down on his skateboard. "Lily's mom told us that Lily frequently come home with bruises.." Colin looked down, clicking his tongue. "Lily told me she got bullied, never said who though. She told me to help her make an excuse, I kept saying no until she began to beg. So I helped her.." Colin looked guilty, his eyes had bags underneath them. "She had a very close friend am I right?" Colin nodded. "They fell out awhile before the bulling." Davis looked at Xylo and Austin, all thinking the same thing.

"Did you know anything about her friend?" Colin clicked his tongue, "Nothing much except for that they were really close.."

"Thank you for you cooperation, Mr. Hermes." Davis' phone started ringing, he nodded, walking off. "Hello, Davis from the Origins Detective Office speaking." He said, holding the phone to his ear. "Hey Davis, we may have found a lead. Get back to headquarters as soon as possible." He nodded, his eyes turning cold. "We'll be there soon Nad."

He walked back to the others, he tapped Austin's shoulder. "Mr. Hermes, thank you for you cooperation. That's all." Austin said, grabbing Xylo's hand.

They jumped in the chair, Davis looked back at Lychee and Cal as he started the car. "Have you found anything?" Cal looked up, "We may have, just need to do a few more tests." Davis nodded, looking back at the skatepark in the mirror as he drove away. Colin had disappeared. interesting..


Davis and the others walked into the meeting room, the other group was already there. "What did you find?" Mario pressed a button on the monitor, showing a sheet. "We found out some things, we were able to find out all the bullies names. But we weren't able to find anything out about the friend except that she kept it very secret." Davis and the others took their seats.

"Not even her boyfriend knew much about him." Xylo commented, his eyes scanning the screen. "Hey guys.. We may have found something.." Cal said nervously, he pressed another button. Showing a file on screen.

Bryan Aphrodite



Appearance: Brown Hair, Brown eyes.


"This was the only file we were able to find about him.. But this is the one in the picture.." Lychee said, "Someone definitely wanted to keep him secret.. And he was also on the list.."  Davis and Mario grimaced, "You don't think...?" Nad trailed off.

Mario nodded his head, "Find where he lives or lived and fast." Davis ordered out, Cal nodded, grabbing his laptop.


Blood dripped down the walls, creating ominous sounds. The person smiled, grabbing a knife. "So my dear Lily, are you ready..?" They smiled insanely, Lily gave up. Her body limp. "You're insane." She remarked, "Oh you've only seen half of it." She looked up at them tiredly. "Fuck you." The person's eyes turned cold. They called someone.

The man came rushing into the room, "********, be a dear and get me my sharpest knifes. We have a disobedient peasant here." The man nodded, rushing back out of the room. The person smiled, lifting Lily's chin up with the knife.

"Don't ever disrespect me ever again, or it'll be good bye with the head." Lily didn't even flinch, "You've changed.. Bryan.." Bryan narrowed his eyes.. "Think about what you've done, alone.." He left.

A/N: The murderer revealed, only one person actually got it. Which surprised me, as I left pretty clear hints at it. But this is still not the whole team, wonder who the rest is.. 🤔

One of the first hints is that in cannon OoO S1 Bryan as the seductive Rose said that he would kill Lily if she was lying to him. It was such a small detail but one that I added. Another of is, well Bryan is one of my favorite characters in of itself.. Soo.. Yup.

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