(FTO) Excitement

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins.

Ship: David x Jericho

Type: Idk

Warnings: Idk

Question of the Fic: Favorite Youtuber and/or Favorite Celebrity?

Mine: No idea, I like alot of youtubers. And I'm not really a person to have a favorite celebrity.

It was always quiet where Jericho came from, everyone knew eachother and never caused much drama. So coming to Atlantide was odd, it was different.. It was loud, it had drama in every corner.

But Jericho seemed to fit right in, though most of it was an act. A way to fit in, Celeste had always told him that he was quiet. As if he was plotting and waiting for the best moment to strike.

Jericho always used to laugh and tell her she was out of her mind, those were the happier times.

To be honest, Silence was a part of him. He meditated in silence, he ate in silence, he did almost everything in silence. Sure he got lonely alot, as being stuck in silence was lonely. He didn't have Celeste to talk on and on while he was practicing spells, he didn't have his mentor humming a tune in the background and giving him instructions. He had nothing..

Well, until he met.. David.

David was the opposite of silence, he joked alot, he fought alot. He most definitely wasn't as silent as Jericho was. David was like an exciting opening to a new adventure, he was like the life of the party. It definitely showed at the GMG party, it interested Jericho. Perhaps more then it should've.


Author's POV

Jericho sighed as Viper and Allomus started fighting once again, to be honest he wasn't sure why Viper was so mad. Though he was about to find out very soon..

Jericho's POV

I leaned my head onto my hard as I watched Viper and Allomus fight, Marsh was trying to get them to stop. But it seemed she wasn't having much luck, as they kept having a screaming match. I heard a knock on the door, I looked around everyone seemed busy. I shook my head, why was it always me?

I opened the door, there was..............

I got you didn't i? There was just the normal mail. Ha! I got you.. I pick up the mail, "Allomus! The mails here." I put it down on the table, rolling my eyes at Allomus and Viper fighting.

I groaned in went to my room, though I could still hear them faintly fighting in the background. It seemed I could never get away from them, I missed the silence. I sat down, I might as well occupy myself while I wait. I grab a book I had set on the table and began reading.

Author POV

A knock woke Jericho awake, it seemed he had fallen asleep. He groaned, brushing off his shirt and fixing his hair. He walked over to the door, his eyes coming upon. David, he flushed sightly but was soon able to push it down.

"What's a cutie such as yourself doing here?" David rolled his eyes but a smirk was still plastered on his face.

"I'm surprised Allomus didn't have a guild meeting about this, well. Divinus Magia and Grimshade are having training together." Jericho's eyes widened, 'that must have been why Allomus and Viper were fighting.' David just smiled. "I'm joking, well some what. We're actually having a 'celebration' of sorts. Don't know, didn't tell me much."

"Well, that's interesting I suppose.. Well where are the others?" Jericho smiled softy, portraying that everything was fine. But in his mind thoughts were everywhere. Mostly thoughts on how hot David looked.

"Over in the other room, cmon. Don't want to keep them waiting to long." They walked over to the rest, surprised there wasn't much Chaos.

Allomus was meditating silently while the others seemed to be fighting, Allomus opened an eye as Jericho and David walked in. He rubbed his hands together, clapping them as well. Gaining the attention of the others. "Well! Now that the rest are here, me, Ritchie, and Brandon have decided that we all needed to get along. And what better way to do that then play Truth or Dare!" Jericho's eyes widened, Allomus just smirked evilly. Telling them to come sit down, they suddenly began.

"Truth or Dare Kit?" Allomus asked, staring at the Fire mage. She looked up, she sighed. "Dare I guess." Allomus smirked. "I dare you to say that Grimshade is the best guild to everyone you meet tomorrow." Her eyes twitched as her eyes narrowed. But she sighed, looking away from the Guild Master.

"Truth or Dare Lucas?" Kit said, Lucas smirked. "After seeing what happened, I'm going to have to say Truth." Kit rolled her eyes as David muttered weak. "Fine, is it true that one time you and Brandon got drunk and kissed eachother?" Lucas flushed Red, he stumbled over his words but eventually was able to reply. "Y-Yes.." Kit smirked, sticking out her tongue.

Lucas sighed, "Truth or Dare David?" David raised an eyebrow as he smirked. "I ain't no wimp, so Dare." Lucas looked around the room, seeming to calculate something. "Fine then, I dare you to kiss Jericho." Jericho flushed red, while David sighed angrily. He turned towards Jericho, tilting Jericho's head sightly before brushing his lips against Jericho's.

Jericho's eyes flew open, until he came to his senses. He kissed David back, presently surprising the Ice Slayer. David stuck out his tongue sightly, asking permission. Jericho opened his mouth sightly, letting David take lead. It felt like heaven, blocking out everyone else until he heard throats clearing. David broke the kiss, Jericho panted softly for breath.

"Well.. I- Ahem.." Allomus seemed at a lost for words, he could only stumble over them. He cleared his throat as well as taking a breath. "That was unexpected, let's not do that ever again.." Jericho nodded sightly, he looked away. His face most likely a flaming red.

Oh my lantana, that actually happened..

Lucas smirked as David and Jericho flushed red, he was so gonna wake up to a frozen house but it was definitely worth it. 

A/N: I wrote this awhile just never finished it.. Then I saw Zoo's video and was like.. Fuck it, might as well post all my Jericho crackship then Make some Mericho or Jori.. That's an odd ship name.

Anywho, sorry for no Oneshots yesterday. I was playing video games with my friends and painted my nails. So I couldn't exactly write with painted nails. I'll make up for it today as I have another oneshot coming out soon, I have it written I just have to edit it. 

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