(Switched!FTO) Flustered?

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Bryan x Jakey

Type: Switched AU

Warnings: Good girl gone bad~~


I sighed, leaning on my hand as I watched a certain dragon slayer train. Sure, it may have been creepy to some extent, yet I couldn't take my eyes off his body, such a fragile thing. I shook my head. Ah, such odd thoughts. But now, it's time.

I licked my lips, wetness sinking into the cracked lips, before getting up. This was gonna be fun. Like the many other times, I sneak up on Bryan, resulting the smaller boy to let out an adorable squeak. One that just melts my heart, awe.

"Jakey!" He said, more like yelled but details details, his lips shifting into a small pout, oh how I wished to kiss it off his lips, but not yet. "You can't just sneak up on me!" He pouted, hitting me lightly with his free hand, his other being occupied by his fire sword.

"Aw, but I like to hear your cute squeaks, they're so cute." I said, making the brown hair blush, his face turning scarlett as he looked away, the former pout turning into an embarrassed smile.

"N-no y-you!" I chuckled gracefully, a smirk making a way onto my face.

"Awe! You think so highly of me!" I cooed, making Bryan's ear tips turn red. I just wanted to eat him up! But no, not yet. I really need to work on this thoughts, but matters matters. I just wanna adore my cute bean.

A/N: I feel like I made a mildly possessive Jakey, but everything's fine 😀

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