(OoO) Bryan (Insert good title.)

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Bryan x Cal

Type: The fuck

Warnings: The fuck

GOAL OF THE DAY: find origins oneshot books with alot of rarepairs or crackships and make a reading list and add my book and that book to it. Thanks.


Things, things never go right... Especially for Bryan, Love never goes right.. Never..


Bryan whimpered sightly, curling up on himself. He could feel the darkness seeping in, the darkness was over taking him. He stumbled, holding onto a chair. He held his head, "Fuck.." He groaned, holding onto the chair as he inched closer to his throne. "I hate this, I fucking hate this.." Bryan glared up at the ceiling, "Fuck you weakling.." Bryan whimpered, to anyone else it would seem weird and creepy. But the truth was the Rose, The Rose controlled half the body, Bryan controlled the other half.

The Rose glared, walking forward towards the throne, he lazily laid on the throne, twirling his sword. "You're the one who wanted this.." The Rose said, Bryan just whimpered sightly.

The Rose groaned, getting up. He sat on the throne, glaring at Brandeen and Daveed. "Do you two have to make such a ruckus?" Daveed just shrugged.

"They're coming." Brandeen interrupted, the Rose smiled. "Thank you for warning me. Get in your places." The Rose leaned back in the throne, getting comfortable. Let the fun begin


Bryan felt the presence of the sword disappeared, he looked up at Mario. "T-Thank you.." He looked back down at his pure white wings, smiling sightly.

"Just because I helped you doesn't mean I forgive you." Mario said, he was glaring daggers at Bryan. Mario walked away, leaving Bryan alone to his thoughts.

Ha! You're worthless! Not even Mario wants anything to do with you!

Bryan felt tears build up in his eyes as he shakily got up. He looked back up at the castle, which was slowly crumbling, he wiped his tears away. 'I'll be a better me!' He smiled, falling to notice the twinkling of the sword. All he felt was a heavy weight in his chest that he began to call guilt, even if it wasn't..


He walked towards his mother's throne, running his hand across the gold. Bryan chuckled sadly, I'm kinda a disappointment to you mother, can't even keep a guy..

Bryan sighed, sitting down on the throne, "I mean, me and Inpu were barely dating and he just up and left me.." He leaned his head again the plush red pillow, he felt a stray tear run down his face. "Maybe he wasn't the one for me after all.. I love him but soulmates don't come easily.."

Bryan sighed shakily, getting up slowly. His wings fluttered, he looked towards the door. "Cal? Riccaro? Lychee? Davis?" Cal smiled weakly, Bryan quickly wiped away his tears.

"I'm sorry.. This a bad time?" Bryan shook his head, "Not at all, though may I ask why you guys are here?" Cal just sighed, while the others began walking around touching stuff.

"Truth to be told.. Lychee told us some things, we just want to keep him out of camp for awhile and of course his brothers wanted to come along. This was the only place I kinda knew.." Cal's voice was barely above a whisper as he looked over at Lychee and the others. Bryan nodded slowly, looking over at Lychee.

"Hm.. I think I have some extra rooms you can take." Cal smiled, Riccaro suddenly came over. "Are you gonna be one of my stepdads?!" Cal's eyes widened as he blushed.

"I- Wha-" Cal chuckled nervously, "How about we get the rooms set up aye?" Cal then pulled Riccaro away, glaring a little at the small demon.

Bryan looked a little confused. Oh my god you idiot.. Cal likes you cause he's Mama Cal or some stupid shit like that. Bryan eyes widened as he blushed brightly. He walked over to the others after he calmed down, "I only have 2 other rooms so.. you are going to have to share." They nodded as Bryan walked down the hall, he stopped at a door. One of the only doors in the house.

"This used to be my Sister's room, I cleaned it when I first moved in but it might have some dust." Davis turned to Bryan, "You have a sister?" Bryan smiled, "Yup, I have two infact! I don't think you have met them yet, their names are Bri and Lily."

"Wait, you mean the girl with pink hair who was standing next to you at the ball?" Riccaro asked, surprised. "Yeah! That was Bri!" Bryan smiled, Riccaro smiled back. Bryan opened the door, Riccaro ran in first, gasping. "Oh my gods! It's beautiful." Bryan smiled softly, humming his agreement. "Now who wants to stay in this room?" Riccaro and Lychee's eyes brighten, already jumping into the room. Bryan chuckled softly, turning to the other.

"Then I guess you two are sharing a room." Bryan turned as Cal and Davis nodded, "Let's go." He lead the two of them down a few winding hallways until they stopped at a door. "This room is the closest to mine." Bryan opened the door the room was huge and, unlike any other room in the house, had cream and pastel yellow decor. It had open ceilings, probably for flying. Bryan smiled softly, "This is my old room.." Cal looked around in awe, "It's beautiful.. Why don't you stay here?" Cal asked, looking back at Bryan.

Bryan sighed, "I-.. I try to forget sometimes.." Cal frowned, "Hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." Bryan smiled at Cal, suddenly Davis groaned. "Oh my gods, please just shut up Lovebirds. I'll be with Lychee and Riccaro if you two need me." Cal blushed brightly, while Bryan blinked. Davis walked off, "I uhm.. I'll be in the room.. See yah.." Cal awkwardly left, closing the door in Bryan's face. Bryan frowned, walking off.


Cal paced back and forth in his room, inner cursing himself. "Oh my god why can't Riccaro and Davis shut up!?" The door creaked open, causing Cal to quickly turn towards it. Lychee walked in, looking down. Cal frowned, walking over to the demon boy. "You okay Lychee?" Lychee looked up, smiling weakly. "Not really, but it's fine." Cal wrapped his arms around Lychee, hugging him tightly.

Lychee sniffled sightly, curling into Cal. Cal let go of Lychee, "You should get some rest." Lychee nodded, wiping away a stray tear. "Goodnight Cal."Lychee then walked out of the room, Cal sighed.

"You really are such a mom." Cal turned towards the door, Bryan stood smirking as he leaned against the doorframe. Cal blushed sightly, rubbing his neck. "It kinda just comes to me." Bryan smiled, walking towards Cal. "I'm pretty sure Riccaro and Davis fell asleep in my room." Cal looked at Bryan, "Sorry.." Bryan rolled his eyes, smiling.

"It's fine, just means I get to spend some time with a cutie." Cal blushed, his eyes widening. "I- Uh.." Cal jumbled out, Bryan chuckled. "I may be oblivious sometimes, but I am the son of Aphrodite." Cal looked away, awkwardly rubbing his neck.

"Now.. Shouldn't we get some rest?" Cal looked back at Bryan, "May I do something first?" Bryan nodded, raising an eyebrow sightly. Cal leaned in, their lips connecting. Bryan's eyes fluttered shut, wrapping his arms around Cal's waist, bringing him closer. Cal's hands instantly curled his fingers in Bryan's hair.

Cal broke the kiss, breathing in deeply. Bryan chuckled at Cal's flushed face. "Is it clear to say I love you?" Cal chuckled out, Bryan smirked. "Hm.. I would say so. I love you too." Cal hummed, hiding his face in Bryan's neck.

A/N: This went all over the place... God.. But I hope you liked my stupid crackships. Oh! And I remembered exactly what I wanted to say in my last A/N. I want y'all to find origins oneshot books with alot of Crackships or rarepairs and add my book to it, I really just want some crackships to read.

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