(OoO) Flustered

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Slight! Lychee x Inpu x Bryan

Type: Uh.. Fluff?

Warnings: Bruh


Lychee sighed, looking towards Bryan with longing. "Lychee, why don't you just confess?" Cal asked, making Lychee turn to look at him. Lychee sighed, pushing his dyed hair out of his face, his eyes traveling back to Bryan.

"Cause.. He likes someone else, life's not that easy." Cal sighed, patting Lychee's shoulder before getting up. Once he left Lychee let his head fall, It's fine Lychee, push it away. Like you always do. Lychee got up, sighing as he walked away, not noticing the eyes following him.


Lychee licked his lips, throwing his scythe at tree, he held out a hand as the scythe stuck in the tree. "Focus Lychee-" "Lychee!" Lychee yelped, the scythe flew out of the tree, Lychee quickly ducked, holding out his hand as it flew back to him.

"Oh. Holy hell." Lychee looked up, panting sightly. Inpu stood there, looking at the spot where the scythe had almost hit him. ".. Sorry.." Lychee panted out, looking up at Inpu through his lashes.

Inpu nodded sightly, before shaking his head, he turned to look at Lychee. "No, no, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spooked you." Lychee blushed lightly, nodding as he polished his scythe.

"What were you doing though?" Inpu asked as he inched closer to Lychee, the latter hummed, pushing his hair out his face. "I was practicing my powers, and bringing my scythe back." Inpu nodded, humming in acknowledgement. Lychee bit his lip, his eyes flickering up every few seconds to look at Inpu before immediately looking back down.

"You know, I would be kinda mad if you were checking out my boyfriend, but then again, he is kinda hot." Bryan's voice suddenly said, making Lychee flush. Inpu chuckled nervously, before saying

"Now come on darling, don't embarrass him." gently. Lychee once again flushed, throwing his hands on his face as a weak defense to hide his beet red face.

Bryan and Inpu laughed softly at Lychee's flustered state, maybe everything could be fine..

... Let's believe that for atleast a minute..

A/N: If you could tell I kinda gave up at the end.

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