(FTOS4) Darkness

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Fandom: Fairy Tail Origins Season Four

Ships: Slight Inmo x Brandeen/Evil Brandon

Type: Angst, and mostly normal.

TW: Sorry if I get anything wrong, I haven't watched much of Inmo's POV. Also, bad treatment.

Requested by: @yukichan9094


Inmo was walking up to the guildhall, mentally preparing himself for the screaming matches. He sighed and opened the door, it was actually surprisingly quite. In fact, it was empty. He looked around confused, trying to look for any signs of people. When he found none, he decided he would just go home. He walked up to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. He laid on his bed, his eyes began to close. And soon he was fast asleep.


Darkness was all he could see, he shivered as he felt a cold breeze. "Hello?" He called out hesitantly. He heard voices, he saw Boss walking towards him. His face immediately lit up, he walked towards Boss. "Boss!" He was so close, he stopped next to Boss waiting. Boss's face morphed into one of disgust as he looked at Inmo.

"What do you want!? I don't train people who can't even do a simple spell!" Inmo's smile disappeared as he looked at Boss with wide eyes. Tears were beginning to fall, "Are you crying!? Vikings don't cry! Pathetic." Boss then walked away, Inmo was sobbing as he fell to the ground. He heard so many voices, he saw feet walking all around him.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his back, "What are you doing Omni? You're supposed to be getting us drinks! Can't you do a simple task!" He turned around coming face to face with David, David's face was one of anger. "Crying? Seriously, you really are pathetic." David walked away, everything was moving fast. Sobs were coming out of Inmo's mouth, and then he woke up.


Inmo cleaned his face, he was crying in his sleep again. He hated nightmares, atleast they were just nightmares.. He heard knocking at the door, he hurried and ran downstairs, smiling as he did.

"Inmo? Finally. We've been looking for you, we need your help.. Sadly.. " David said, muttering the last part. Inmo had to fight the smile to stay on his face, he closed his eyes then nodded as he opened then.

"What do you need help with?" Inmo asked, walked outside and closing the door behind him. David began walking away fast, which had Inmo running to catch up with him.

"The usual, just a small A class mission." David said picking up the pace again. "We need you because you're supposed to destroy the building." Inmo nodded, not wanting to let David and the rest down. "Don't fail us." and with that, they went into the fire. (Not literally of course.)


"Inmo now! Blow up the Building!" David yelled, holding back one of the enemies. Inmo ran inside the building, he channeled all his power and made the explosion. Parts of the building flew everywhere, some knocked down enemies. Luckily none of the Divinus Magia guild members. Inmo smiled as the guild members got ready to leave, he jumped out of the ruins of the building.

"Good, you didn't mess it up." David said, patting off his own body. Dust was everywhere, in fact all the Guild members were patting their clothes off.

"Good Job team, Now let's head home." And with that, Lucas, David, Kit, and Inmo headed home.


The Guild was currently hanging out in the Guildhall, drinking of course. Well, most of them were drinking. Inmo was passing drinks out, which he found fine. As long as he kept the Guild happy, he was alright.

"Aye Inmo! Can you get me another drink?" Ritchie said, Inmo nodded and quickly grabbed another drink and made his way back. A cup, who someone had just thrown made him trip and causing the drink to spill on Ritchie.

"Seriously! You can't do anything right!" Ritchie yelled as Inmo got up slowly, Inmo looked down at his shoes as he felt everyone's stares on him. "Why'd we even take you into this guild!?" Inmo's head snapped up, tears began to swell in his eyes. He heard the others smalls giggles, he sniffled as he ran out. He could hear talking turn back to normal inside.

Was he not worth anything? 'The others would probably be fine without me..' Tears fell down as Inmo ran away, never to return to that guild ever again.


Inmo didn't know where to go, if he began stealing, the others would find him if he got caught. So, he went to the only place he knew.

The Garden, he didn't even know if they would help. I mean he knew nothing about them, just their identities and names. But there was a chance they would, he looked for hours on end trying to find a lead on where the place could be when he stubbled upon, Brandeen.. Brandon's counterpart.

He backed up slowly, not wanting to be seen. Crunch Inmo's eyes widened as Brandeen turned to face him.

"My, what do we have here? A cutie perhaps." He said in a crazed voice, he stepped closer. "A Member of Divinus Magia huh?" He said as his eyes zeroed in on his guild mark. He took another step forward, Inmo couldn't move. It felt like he was frozen in place, Brandeen took another step forward. A few more steps and he'd be right in front of him.

"What is a little cutie doing in Divinus Magia?" Brandeen asked as he took another step forward, Inmo felt his cheeks redden.

"Uh.. I-.. I lef-.. left.. Divinus Magia.." Inmo answered, Brandeen took another step forward. One more step and he'd be right in front of Inmo.

"Hmm.. So you need a guild huh?.. How bout you join mine?" Brandeen said as he took his final step, Inmo swallowed.

"A-and.. What exactly.. I-is.. Y-your guild..?" Brandeen chuckled, his hot breath fanning Inmo's face.

"Oh, you know...The Garden.. I'm sure you've heard of it.." He smiled crazily, Inmo felt his eyes widened again.

"O-oh.. I w-was just looking f-for that Guild.. " Inmo didn't even decide to lie, Brandeen seemed a little shocked but got over it as a smirk grazed his face.

"Then, How about I take you to the guild..?" Inmo started debating it, he didn't really know what the Garden did. All he knew is that it was "Evil" 'Nothing can possibly be worse then Divinus Magia.' Inmo thought, he nodded his head. Making Brandeen smile, "Well then, follow me."


It was odd, he had only been in the guild for about 2 weeks and he had already made a friend. His name was Josh, which he was apparently Eden's minion or something. They said a word he didn't understand, and Brandeen had told him not to say it. Josh was kind, but also fearful. Which did make him question the guild, but Josh and Brandeen made it worth the while to stay.

It was somewhat nice being away from Divinus Magia, though he did have to room with Brandeen as he didn't want him away from him. And Brandeen didn't even live on the guild Island, but in a cave. Inmo was actually kinda happy about that. But other then that nothing bad had really happened.. But oh boy was he up for a thriller.. This was definitely an experience he would never forget...


A/N: So, I'm hopefully done for the night. It's like 3 am where I am, I haven't even slept. So I was gonna finish this but I think imma make a part two, but that's probably after I finish the requests I got already so yeah. Anywho, I hope y'all like it. And don't be afraid to tell me if I made any Mistakes as I like feedback.. And I did make this with little knowledge about the characters so.. Yeah.. Anywho I'm probably gonna sleep after I post this! So night!

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