Persona: A Reason

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Swear Warning ⚠️

Gordon sighed, 'another day, another conflict' he thought as he walked inside the school. He looked around looking for someone to talk to, he spotted Mitchie looking very uncomfortable as he stood by himself.

Gordon walked up to him, "Boo.. " he whispered in Mitchie's ear. Mitchie yelped, as he spun around coming face to face with Gordon.

"Gordon! Why the hell did you do that?" He pointed a finger at Gordon and stabbed it into Gordon stomach.

"Well it was to good of a opportunity to pass up, now how bout we head up to the roof while we wait for the others?" Mitchie shook his head but nodded as they headed up the roof,

Gordon sat down on the ground and looked at school court yard while Mitchie went up the fence and began taking photos of random things. Gordon just chuckled lightly and shook his head, he continued to look out at the courtyard. He remembered when he would come up here alone and do nothing, a lot has changed since then, except for his grades, he had friends, a place where he belonged, and most importantly he had a reason to stay alive.

He hummed shaking off those thoughts and then got up, Mitchie wasn't paying attention to him as he walked up behind the smaller man. "Boo~" he whispered in Mitchie's ear, Mitchie spun around and looked at Gordon disapprovingly.

"Why do you keep doing that!?"

"because it's fun to tease you, don't make yourself a easy target." Gordon said walking back to his seat on the ground, soon enough Cindy, Melody, and Zane showed up.

Melody hopped off of Cindy's head and ran to Gordon, she hopped onto his head making a nice resting spot. Gordon chuckled, shaking his head.

"So, how have things been going?" Zane asked, everyone knew what he was talking about. Ms. Vitch, the worst teacher ever.

"Well, she kept being her normal self. Honestly Ms. Vitch more like Ms. Bitch." Mitchie muttered the last part, but still the others had to agree with that statement. She was honestly a beast.

Has if God hated them, Ms. Vitch showed up, acting like her normal self, a bitch. "What the hell are you kids doing up here? It's a off limits zone." They all looked at each other and Zane bit the bone.

"You act as if we care, what the hell are you going to do about it?" Ms. Vitch was fuming now, she walked up to Zane and got in his face.

"You really don't want to get on my bad side, remember your just a peasant. A lowlife." Zane growled and pushed Ms. Vitch back. Mitchie jumped in, he didn't want to see his only friends get in trouble. If anything they could all go to detention together, though his parents probably wouldn't like that. He didn't care.

"Stop! You have made are lifes hell why don't you just back off. The only peasant here is you!" Mitchie knew he probably shouldn't have done that, as Ms. Vitch turned and looked at him, she smirked. Mitchie shivered as she got closer.

"At least I'm not a disappointment, unlike yourself. I don't think your new parents would be very happy if I called them." Mitchie's eyes widened, he could feel tears gather in the corner of his eyes. His new parents would definitely not be happy if he got in trouble.

"That's what I thought." She walked back over to Zane a smirk still on her face. "Now were was I? Oh yes I wa-" She got cut off as she was shoved to the fence, Gordon looked at her fire in his eyes.

"You really don't want to mess with, cause I won't hesitate to hurt you. Now fucking leave bitch." Gordon growled pissed off, he really wanted to teach this woman a lesson. Especially for hurting his friends, Zane could've handled himself but he knew Mitchie couldn't have. Ms. Vitch growled and walked away leaving the four and a rabbit in peace, for now.

Gordon looked over at Mitchie, tears were gathering in the younger's eyes. Gordon walked over to him and hugged him, the other just nested his face in Gordon's chest. Melody, Cindy, and Zane got up and left, they would meet both of them after school. They could tell that they needed alone time.

Mitchie liked comfort, especially from the older male. Though Gordon could be a little, well not pleasant at times he could tell he meant the best. Mitchie was just scared, if Ms. Vitch called his parents. He knew that they would not be happy, they could even forbid him from hanging out with his only friends. That thought alone caused more tears to gather in his eyes, Gordon just kept hugging him which made the younger male happier. Once Mitchie got his tears under control he looked up at Gordon, he was looking down at Mitchie smirking a little. Mitchie just groaned stuffing his head back into Gordon's chest, Gordon just chuckled and softly pulled Mitchie's head up, he leaned down and kissed him. Mitchie's face heated up as he felt Gordon's lips moving against his, he, soon, was able to comprehend the situation and began kissing back. They pulled about to quickly for Mitchie's liking, they just rested their heads together and sat down. Deciding that they would rather be in each other's company, sure soon they would have to leave each other but they soaked in all the time they had with each other. 'Maybe this isn't so bad' Gordon thought smiling a real smile in what seemed like that first time in a long time. 

(A/N) okay sorry for being so inactive, I'm mostly posting on my instagram account so yeah. But this is already posted there so I'm just trying to catch this one up. Anywho buh bye!

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