OoO Breakdowns.

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AN: really just comfort but I guess this could be a ship. I do ship Lychee and Cal though so eh. 

The sun was just setting as Lychee plopped down on the soft sand of the beach, he sighed softly looking at the ground. Tears began to fall, it was the best he thought as the tears continued to fall. He felt a hand on his shoulder his head snapped up to meet the worried face of Cal, he tried to wipe away the tears that had fallen as Cal continued to sit there. Cal was starring at the ocean as he waited for Lychee to calm down, Lychee soon looked at him and Cal looked at him too. No words were needed, all Lychee wanted was comfort and that Cal would give. Cal would soon find out but right now his main priorities were to comfort Lychee, he wrapped his arms around Lychee and kissed his forehead, much like a mother would do, and Lychee melted into the embrace. They soon fell asleep to be found in the morning by two very confused Dolus and Mania. 

AN: Not my best but hey I kinda like this, I feel like this could actually happen in the story. Any who I hope you enjoyed bye!

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