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Nah Nah nah, I'm back. If this is weird it's probably cause I woke up at like 5 in the morning. Also, People who don't wash their hands after they do dishes confuse me.

Anywho, I'm back, Yay! In my break I managed to make a whole AU, I don't know why I did it I just did. All I was trying to do was write for my creative writing class and I just had the idea. So expect a chapter for that soon, I just have to look it over.

Now on to the topic of this chapter, DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT DAVIS' PAST FROM OOO LIKE I NEED TO KNOW. And if not, does anyone have theories..?

Another Also, expect some angst having to do with that song.. And by the way, my requests are closed but soon they will be opened and I will do MHO but no ship requests, friendship is fine but ships I will not do unless cannon.

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