(Incorrect Quotes) OoO, FTO, Gymnastics AU

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Fandom: OoO, FTO, Gymnastics AU

Ship: Yes

Type: Incorrect Quotes

Warnings: Uh.. Idk

Question of the Fic: Favorite Book?

Mine: Okay, it's either The Tower of Nero by Rick Riordan or Shadow Thieves by (I forgot)


Kidnapper: We have your child!

Michael: That's impossible! I have Ritchie right here.

Kidnapper: Then who keeps saying "Mama Bear" when ever we mention you?

Michael: Oh my gods, they have Austin.

Michael: Some people are like Slinkies


Michael: Relatively useless but they still make you smile when you push them down the stairs

Ritchie: please don't push me down the stairs

Michael: You can't stop me!

Mario: I sleep with a dagger under my pillow

Riccaro: Weak, I sleep with a sword

Cal: You're both pathetic

Mario: Oh really, then what do you sleep with?

Cal: Xylo

Cal: *smiles*

Xylo: *slams his hands on the table while blushing* That's it! I'm killing him!

Kayla: Or you could man up and ask him out instead

Xylo:... But killing him would be easier..

Cal: Someone died in the living room

Lychee: Well I guess it's not a living room anymore

Davis: Get out

Lychee: I have a riddle for you. What has four legs and isn't alive?

Riccaro: Nice try. It's a chair.

Lychee, Holding Ricarro's dead dog: not this time.

Davis: The risk we took was carefully calculated.


Davis: I never said I was good at Math

Lucas: You ever get the feeling that nobody sees you?

David: I have a really good body, so.... no

Ritchie: I have this urge to do something stupid

Devin: I'm stupid, do me.




Devin: Oh my god, did I just say that out loud?

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