(FTO) First Meet

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: None

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

When two beans meet.


Eliore sighed, twiddling with his fingers nervously, today he decided that he was finally gonna visit Grimshade, though he was mostly just going to visit Jericho, who kept telling him in his letters to visit. He was a little scared as he didn't want to get yelled at by Viper, who, he would never admit, actually he probably would've, but he was more then scared of him, he was terrified of the Poison Dragon Slayer.

Eliore sighed, getting broken out of thoughts as the boat docked at the old island. He got out of the boat, his eyes searching for Jericho or anyone. Though the island seemed quite.. Empty, suddenly his eyes caught movement, he quietly tiptoed towards the movement, his tail swaying along his legs.

Once he made it towards the person, who was standing over something he couldn't quite make out,  he softly tapped the person on their shoulder, just barely getting out of the way of the person's sword. "Ah sorry! Habit I'm so sorry!" The person apologized, Eliore tilted his head, smiling slightly.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that." Eliore said, making the other person nodd quickly, rubbing the back of their neck.

"Anyways, Hi I'm Eliore, I'm guessing you're apart of Grimshade?" The person smiled softly.

"Not exactly, I used to be in Grimshade awhile ago. I'm Devin, and currently I'm in Divinus Magia." Eliore tilted his head slightly, why would Divinus Magia be here? Devin just chuckled lightly, seemingly seeing Eliore's confused looked.

"As I had said before, I was apart of Grimshade, actually I could've become Guild Leader in fact." Devin shook his head wistfully, a smile still soft on his face, one that made Eliore smile softly as well, his smile seemed quite contagious to the small cat boy.

"My Parent's graves are here, that's why I'm here currently." Eliore's eyes widened, he immediately frowned, his eyes showing a mix between fear and remorse.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up!" Eliore apologized, his eyes showing just  remorse now. Devin just giggled, before his right eye weirdly turned a light teal. "How dare you! Bringing up my dead family!" Eliore looked at Devin, his ears down as his tail laid between his legs.

Devin just sighed, glaring up at the sky. "Eden! No one asked for you opinion or input." Devin looked back down at the now confused Eliore. "Sorry, that's Eden, he's basically my other half. It's a long story." Eliore tilted his head, deciding to not pry into that. 

"S-so.. I'm not pushing boundaries..?" Eliore asked nervously, rubbing his arm slightly. Devin laughed, "It's perfectly fine! I'm used to it by now." A look of pity swiped across Eliore's face before it was beckoned away.

Eliore nodded, though it seemed like he had more to say, but kept his mouth shut. "Anyways, now that you know more about me.. What's your guild and magic?" Eliore snapped out of his thoughts, looking towards the brown haired male.

"Oh! I'm in the Protectors Guild! My magic is Light Spirit Slayer." Eliore gave a little bow, his ears twitching slightly, getting Devin's attention. Devin's eyes brightened, his mind suddenly becoming blank. Must touch!

"Y-You have ears!" Devin exclaimed, stopping himself just before he put his hand on the flustered Eliore's ears, his hand hovering just about an inch over them.

"Sorry! I should've asked... I just like cats.." Devin nervously chuckled, rubbing his neck in embarrassment as he looked away. He suddenly felt a small, warm, hand onto of his, moving to touch Eliore's ear as it twitched at the sudden contact.

Devin's eyes brightened as he looked back towards Eliore's ears, they were so soft! He thought with a content smile.

Devin's POV

I may have had a guilty pleasure of petting soft things, from Ritchie's hair to now being Eliore's ears, which I much exclaim, Were very soft!

I softly pet his right ear, hearing a soft purr from Eliore. Eek! "So soft.." I mumbled under my breath, Eliore's ear twitching from the soft noise I made, he much really have good hearing!

"Hehe.. I would hope, I groom them everyday.." I giggle lightly at his words, I could tell from how soft they were. I started itching under Eliore's ear, hearing him purr more often. I could feel his knees begin to buckle, almost bringing both of us down if I haven't caught him.

I brought us down to the ground, Eliore being somewhat cuddled into my side. "You know." I chuckled, "This really isn't the right way I usually meet people." Eliore giggled, well tried to giggle, it got overrun by his soft purrs. I just want to eat him up!

I thought you liked Ritchie? I rolled my eyes at Eden's words, turning somewhat at an angle away from Eliore before I spoke. "I do, can I not platonically want to eat someone up?" I could hear Eden laughing at my words, already imagining him with a smirk after he stopped laughing.

I sighed, turning back to Eliore who seemed drowsy at my side. "Can you explain the Eden thing?" I smiled softly, looking down at the cat boy who looked up at me in a questioning matter.

"If you are ready for the long and regretful story I suppose." And that's how it began, a new friendship that would hopefully last a lifetime.

A/N: Am tired

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