(Draft) 5 Years Later

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A/N: Someone please fucking tell me what happens in Bryan's video tomorrow!!! I NEED TO KNOW AND I'LL BE PAINTING ALL DAY SO TELL MEee.
Thank You, Sun
We just got the keys for the house today so I'll be extra busy now.


     ←→←→5 Years Later ←→←→

Leaves crunched as a man walked through the forest, until he suddenly stopped. There was a small clearing with a tent and a fire pit, the fire glowing warmly in the dark light. "Finally.. Home.. Well as Home as this can be." The man walked over to the firepit, sitting on a wooden log."Aye Eden? Wanna come out?" Hell yeah Devin.

A bright light surrounded, the now named person, Devin. When the light disappeared there sat two boys. One with brown hair with a red streak, being the person named Devin. Then there was the supposed Eden, his hair was white with a neon blue streak.

Eden smirked at Devin, holding his hand."So, where to next my dear host?" Devin rolled his eyes as he took Eden's hand. "Shut up Eden, and to answer your question we will be going to Saolde..." Devin whispered the last part, remembering his lost love.

Eden rolled his eyes, "Oh my lord... Stop with that thinking you idiot." Devin just sighed, giving a weak smile. "Let's get going hm?" Devin said, waving his hand. Everything disappeared, Eden chuckled sightly.


Brandon breathed in heavily, backing up as he stared at the dead body. He looked at his wrist, the bandana. I shouldn't do this.. But I need him.. He's my other half, I spent too long on this..

He held out his hands, "卄丹∨モ 丹 乃口刀ㄚ, 卄丹∨モ 丹 乃口刀ㄚ, 丹匕匕丹匚K 丹 S口∪ㄥ, 丹 S口∪ㄥ 工S 乃口尺れ. 乃口尺れ 下口尺 卄モㄥㄥ, 乃尺工れム 乃丹匚K 山卄丹匕 工S ㄥ口S匕!!" He's eyes turned bright white, the room was cascaded in light. Slowly the light disappeared, standing in the room.. Was Brandon and Ritchie..

"B- B-" Ritchie croaked, Brandon gasped, he hugged Ritchie. Brandon let go of Ritchie, giving him a glass of water.

"B- brother.. I- How?" Brandon smiled, for the first time in forever. "A spell.. I've been working on it since you've been gone.." Brandon hugged Ritchie again, making up for the no human contact.

"How long...?" Brandon sighed, he snuggled his head farther into Ritchie's chest. "5 Years, 3 Months, 1 Day.." Ritchie sighed, ruffling his brother's hair. "How is everyone..?"

"David has been doing amazing as a second in command, it took him awhile but he finally got there.. Wanting to prove to you that he was.. Worth it I guess." Brandon took a breath. "Kit.. Well Kit's been doing fine, the kid had alot coming for her. She began traveling the world with Marsh and Allomus, though they come and visit.." Brandon took another breath. "Mario's an S Class now, he was finally able to beat David by a little bit though. I think Mario proposed awhile ago to Mania." Ritchie smiled, happy for the dragon slayer.

"Inmo's eye finally changed to orange, he's still a child on the inside though.. I think Bjorn would be proud of him." Brandon smiled and took a breath. "Blake and Lucas are doing well in their relationship and Blake and steering him the right way. Though Lucas and David always seem to get in trouble.." Ritchie chuckled sightly. "Laura, Oakley, and Flurry are doing well. Laura helps alot with Oakley, though Devin comes and visits alot. Flurry and Yamitsu are engaged im pretty sure.." Brandon took a breath..

"Then there's Devin, Devin and Eden went on an adventure to find out more about Devin and Michael's past. From what I heard it's going well. They visit every month, this week they're actually coming around.." Ritchie smiled, happy for Devin.


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