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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: Yes

Type: AU

Warnings: AU


Bryan powdered his hands, he walked out onto the matt. Smiling at the crowd. He ran, slamming his hands down on the bars. Making a loud metal sound. He flipped himself, jumping onto the next bar. He heard the crowd cheer, he continued doing twists and tricks. Feeling the adrenaline pumping into his bones, he jumped, twisting in the air. Landing on his feet, he looked out at the audience. Smiling before going back to his team.

Jakey smirked at Bryan, "Always such a showoff." Bryan rolled his eyes at his best friend. "I'm not a showoff, I just like to get good marks. Plus, if you could you would showoff just to get Brandeen's attention." Bryan said as Jakey flushed red, pushing him sightly.

"N-no I wouldn't!" Bryan just chuckled, slinging his arm around Jakey's shoulder. "Sure you wouldn't." Jakey scoffed, pushing Bryan sightly.


"Bryan Aphrodite once again gets a high score, taking the gold medal for the Oasis Gymnastics team. I do always wonder how he does it! His family and team must feel so prou-" Bryan sighed, shutting off the TV. Bri sat in the seat next to him, eating her oatmeal. She looked at Bryan, raising an eyebrow.

"Just the TV." She nodded, going back to getting her oatmeal. "Hey you two! I'm going to get a ride with Seeka and Colin, so don't worry about taking me!" Lily said, walking towards the door.

"Be safe!" Bri said inbetween bites, Lily rolled her eyes, nodding while walking out the door. Bryan smiled sightly, "She's an idiot sometimes." He nodded, agreeing with his younger sister.

"I'm going to go get ready, wait for me in the car alright?" Bri nodded, getting up to wash her bowl.


"Now it's your turn to be safe." Bri rolled her eyes, letting Bryan kiss her forehead. "I will, I will." She said, getting out of the car. She waved at Bryan then ran off. Bryan rolled his eyes, driving off.


Bryan ran into the school, running up to Jakey. He stopped, panting. "Woah, did you just run a marathon or something?" Bryan rolled his eyes, gaining his composure.

"No you idiot, Lily needed me to run her, her lunch." Jakey pfft, patting Bryan's back. Jakey smirked, turning Bryan around. Bryan blushed, turning around, hiding himself.

"Hey, why are hiding away? Don't you want to drool over Davis' abs?" Bryan blushed as Jakey teased him. "Shut up.." Bryan said weakly, pushing Jakey lightly.

"He's just so.. What's the word..? Hot.." Jakey teased, "Oh, are we teasing Bryan? Can I join!?" Bryan groaned, hearing Jyles' voice.

He turned around, Jyles was floating while sitting. Jyles smirked at Bryan, Jakey and Bryan rolled their eyes fondly. "So, is it just me or is Davis coming this way~?" Bryan blushed red, trying to fix his hair.

"Hey Bros? Bryan I saw how you did last night, that was amazing as always." Davis said, slinging his arm around Bryan's shoulder. Bryan just chuckled softly, he pushed Davis' arm off his shoulder.

"Yeah, he likes to showoff alot." Bryan rolled his eyes, pushing Jakey lightly. "I don't like to showoff, I just like to do my best!" Bryan said, Davis chuckled.

"Well, either way you did amazing." Bryan smiled softly, "You did amazing at your basketball game as well." Bryan said, pushing Davis lightly.

"Fine, you got me there." Jyles and Jakey awed, bring Bryan and Davis' attention to them. "Aw, it's such a cute couple!" Jakey awed, Bryan blushed madly. While Davis choked, Jyles smirked.

"Oh look at the time! It's time for me and Jakey to go embarrass other people!" Bryan blushed, looking back at Davis he saw the Davis was a bright red.

"Sorry about them.. Anyways, we should get going to class." Davis nodded softly, Nero popped up as Bryan walked away. Waving slightly to Davis.

"You're such a lovesick idiot Davis." Davis glared at spirit, walking away.

A/N: Here's another AU, a Gymnastics school AU. A little run down of things in this AU

Jakey and Bryan and more of course, but for now those two are the most important, are on the Gymnastics team

While Davis, Minmoto, Xylo, and Mario are on the Basketball team.. For now..

Jyles, Cal, and Brandeen are on no team but more in different types of Clubs.

Also, this is a..... Davis x Bryan x (Secret)

I don't know if I'll continue this but I kinda love it, I really just had this idea while I was watching a Gymnastics movie.

Also, They are in Collage while Lily and Bri are in highschool. Bri going into College next year with Lily having two more years left of Highschool.

Also, they are still demigods and don't hide it because this is a special world for Demigods. Bryan and Bri still have wings but hide them when doing Gymnastics. 

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