(Incorrect Quotes) OoO, FTO, My FTO AU

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus, Fairytail Origins, and My FTO AU

Ships: Alot

Type: Incorrect Quotes

Warnings: Swear Warning



Bryan: You're blocking the View!

Jyles: I am the view. (Dramatically flips hair.)

Bryan: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?

Bri: What?

Bryan: I want to be on buzzfeed unsolved

Bri: Can we go back to part where you said, "Where I get murdered?"

Bryan: Hey Mario, did you know that "Thot" means "Thoughtful Person"

Mario: Really? I didn't know that!


Mario: Thanks for helping me defeat those monsters Xylo, you're such a thot.

Xylo, wheezing: I'm a WHAT?!

Mario: Don't you have somewhere else to be? Like, getting your beauty sleep?

Bryan: I don't need sleep to be beautiful.

Bryan: get hits by a car

Passerby: Oh my god! Are you okay!?

Bryan: P-please, I n-need my phone..

*Opens Insta*


Mario: You're very mature for your age

Ritchie and Michael: Thanks, it's the trauma.

River: I know you think my judgement is a bit clouded because I like Bryan a bit

Kayla: You doodled your wedding invitation

River: That's our joint tombstone

Kayla, blinking: My mistake

Cal: I'm not mad, I just want to know why you two need a fake ID?

Riccaro: *Mumbles*

Cal: What was that?

Lychee:.... You need to be over 18 at PetCO to hold the puppies..


Mario: You're Pretty dumb

David: Thanks

Mario: Why are you thanking me? I just insulted you!

David: All I heard was "You're Pretty" I'm focusing on the positive in life.


Mario: Leaves room.

Mitch: Hey Pat, do you have two tongues in your mouth?

Pat: What? No?

Mitch: Do you want to?

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