(MHO) To be Loved

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Fandom: My Hero Origins

Ship: Slight! Shino x Artemis

Type: Fluff but undertones of Angst

Warnings: Ah


I had always wondered what it would feel like to be loved, I suppose I never understood it as well. I mean, always being the last choice does that to you I guess. But, now I know what it's like to feel loved, to feel that sense of joy, it's nice.

I shake my head lightly, riding those thoughts, it was stupid to twiddle in the past, Ms. Rose had always said that. "Arty! You coming? The movie's about to start?" I smile, turning my head to the door where I see my roommates, Rikku excitedly bounced on her soles, a bright smile plastered on her face. While Shino, my boyfriend, god I can't believe he's my boyfriend, stood there smiling, well more like smirking but details.

I smile lightly at Rikku, turning back to my project as I finished putting away stuff. "Yeah, I'm ready." And I am ready, to learn how to be happy. Thank you Ms. Rose.

A/N: Is the orphanage lady's name Ms. Rose? I feel stupid but that's alright. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌. Also, someone give me the motivation to write longer oneshots

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