(Draft) Halloween Special Part 2

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A/N: WHY THE HELL DID NOBODY TELL ME THAT DEVIN WAS OLDER THEN DAVID!! Also, I think you all can guess why this one was never finished. Oh! If you want a more in-depth look of the Halloween costumes think of their Supernatural origins characters.


Halloween was finally upon the fairy tale world, the Guild of Divinus Magia were getting ready to head out to the new Grimshade guildhall. Almost everyone was ready, expect for Lucas. 'Of course Raindrop takes the longest.' David silently grumbled to himself. David was dressed up as a demon or something like that.

"I'm a Imp! What even are you lost child?"  David spat while looking offended, Plant standing next to him confused.

"I'm cosplaying as this popular person  named Hayden Blake, she's really amazing." She had both hands on her hips, her multi toned wig shaking with every head movement.

"Guys...? Why are you guys fighting?" Lucas strolled over to them, he had angel wings sticking out of his back. He had blond streaks in his hair.

"This lost child doesn't know the difference between a fricking demon and Imp!" David pointed at her, his face twisted in rage.

"Hey, it's fine.. I suppose.... Anyhow, what is Plant dressed up as?" Plant had long, pointed teeth, they also had a light blue suit with a cap on.

"They're a Imp too, they are adorable aren't they?!" David smiled, while Plant jumped up and down throwing chocolate milk at everyone.

"Guys shouldn't we get the party? I think Ritchie and the others are waiting for us." They walked over to the docks, Blake already dreading the boat ride.


At The Grimshade Island...

30th, 10:10 PM.

20 Minutes before the party..


"Viper! Come on! You got to wear a costume! Me and Marsh went to buy this costume for you!" In the guildhall of Grimshade, Jericho was currently running after Viper trying to get him to try on a costume.

"No way in hell will I will wear that fucking costume! Fuck off!" Marsh was watching both of them running around, she was going to get Allomus but she couldn't find him. She was left to her thoughts while Jericho was running after Viper. Her mind wandered back to when Jericho had went missing, she remembered frantically looking for Jericho when she finally gave up after almost a whole day of looking. She was shook out of her thoughts by Jericho pushing Viper out of his room.

"Ta duh! How does he look?"  Viper had a black suit on with fake vampire teeth, he looked pissed.

"I hate you both.. " he grumbled, looking away while crossing his arms.

"Awe you look amazing Viper! But me and Jericho still need to get ready, can you man the entrance for us?" Marsh said grabbing Jericho's arm, smiling as she started to walk away without an answer.

"Fine...." Viper grumbled just before Marsh and Jericho disappeared behind different doors.


At the Grimshade Island

30th, 10:17

13 minutes before the Party


The guild of Divinus Magia was the first to show up, David and Ritchie had quite the laugh at Viper's outfit. Which caused Viper resist the urge to take his scythe and end them.


David's eyes wandered towards Jericho, he felt heat travel up to his face. He was broke out of his thoughts by Lucas and Blake laughing at a stupid joke, he glared at both of them which caused both of them to look at him suspiciously.

"What's up with you?" Lucas said, Plant threw chocolate milk at all of them.

"Nothing.." David mumbled, his eyes traveling back towards Jericho as he was talking with a purple cat guy.

"Wait... Do you have a crush~?" Blake butted in, looking in the direction David was looking.

"Wait? Really? Who!?" Lucas looked over in the same direction, David grumbled quietly as he lost sight of Jericho.

"Wait? I think I know who it is! Is it Jericho~?" Lucas said, grabbing David's arm causing him to snap out of it. David's head whipped around, his eyes were wide as he stared at Lucas and Blake.

"How did you know?! I mean... Uh.. What..?" Blake giggled softly,

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