(OasisAU) The Stone

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus


Type: Topical AU

Warnings: Some swearing.


"Woohoo!" The salty fresh air blew in Bryan's hair as he surfed though waves, "Catch me if you can!" He mocked, turning sightly to stare at his best friend, Jyles, he winked at the man then sped through the tunnel, Jyles hot on his tail as they laughed.

They felt as free as the waves they currently surfed on, Bryan held out his arms, breathing in that salty air, before he got tackled into the water.

The water was clearly and sparkling, well atleast when you looked down at it. Bryan sunk for a little bit, before pushing his legs up, managing to spook his friend. "Idiot!" Jyles complained, hitting Bryan on the back of the head. Bryan just laughed.


Birds chirped in the early morning air, people waking up to their calls as they ran out to the waves.

"And then he was like.. Fuck you, and I was like I'd rather fu-" Bryan listened to Jyles' story, somewhat tuning out the purple haired jester as he dried himself. Jyles had been Bryan's best friend since they were children, being as thick as thieves. Most people in their village knew them as the troublemakers, and all because they liked to play pranks.

Bryan didn't understand it, but whatever floated their boats he guessed. He suddenly felt a slap on the back of his head before he heard a voice call, "Bryan! You fucking idiot!" Bryan yelped, turning to look at his sister.

"What the hell Bri!?" He yelled, rubbing the back of his head where he guessed it would bruise, probably because of Bri's stupid golden rings she insisted on wearing.

"Mother was pissed when she woke up to you gone! Gods! Could you think about someone rather then just yourself for once!?" Bryan glared at his sister, rolling his eyes.

"You should be saying that to yourself rather then me! You're the one yelling at me!" Bri scoffed, before getting her arm roughly pulled.

"What the fuck?!" She said, turning to glare at Jyles who gave her one back. "Stop harassing my fucking friend Bri. Gods get a life for once!" She made a noise, somewhat between a growl and a groan before running off, her pink skirt dragging behind her.

Jyles looked at Bryan, who was still holding his head. "I really hope the stone doesn't choose her.. You could only guess what she would." Bryan gave a weak chuckled before saying, "You can only hope." weakly.

The two friends looked up at the sound of the bell before looking towards eachother. They then ran off, you can only hope..

A/N: Should I continue this?
Topical AU, got the idea when I was listening to the Moana soundtrack, I really like this idea, and yes they are still demigods, you'll meet the others later.

Stone: The stone was an ancient relic passed down in the bloodline of /////////, you might be wondering, what? Exactly, no one exactly knows what the stone is or whose bloodline it goes down. Now you can give to others, but it's power won't work without the bloodline, the people of Oasis have been trying for years, until they gave up, just giving to random people saying they hold authority. And that's the story.. Atleast the tales that were told..

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